Ending Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Online sexual exploitation and abuse is pervasive, multi-layered, and complex. It is far-reaching, and its impact on a victim’s life can be long-lasting. And even though online sexual abuse and exploitation see no age, gender, race, or nationality, it invariably affects women and children because of their pronounced vulnerability by virtue of entrenched sex- and gender-based discrimination and inequality.

The vast, unrestricted, borderless internet is a safe haven for countless sexual abusers, who continue to manipulate and harm their victims without fearing repercussions. There is a dire need for the implementation of strict national and international laws and standards and cooperation and collaboration between a range of stakeholders to hold perpetrators accountable.

As part of our global campaign to end online sexual exploitation and abuse, we’ve produced this explainer video that defines the problem, the reasons behind its unimpeded rise, and the need for ways in which individuals and nations across the globe can collaborate to bring perpetrators to justice.

We’re calling for comprehensive action from the international community, governments, and digital service providers to holistically address OSEA.

Learn more:

Animation by Sian Butcher www.sianemma.com

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