1. Why are you upset? Judging by your YT name, it looks like it was your god who convinced who ever it was to commit this evil act. The evil one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

    2. @StrayDogTheExposer  I’m upset because they get off scotch Free in Mexico lmao why aren’t you upset Hopefully these next couple of years will open your eyes pal

  1. Great spirit please help them find this child dear Mother Earth please help her come home to her family and dear father sky watch over her from harm from these evil people

    We only got one life why kill and hurt one another when we should help one another to survive
    it’s us against surviving

  2. I hope and pray with my whole heart that this precious baby is found safe and sound. I pray for the little girl in a Lubbock hospital. I pray they find the POS that did this.

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