Nationwide Amber Alert issued after ex-cop kills girlfriend, ex-wife; abducts child

Elias Huizar is considered armed and dangerous, according to Washington State Patrol, adding he is "likely to commit more crimes."

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  1. Some people think they can have their way no matter what the cost is . I pray for the safety of this child who will grow up without a mother and father all bc the father wanted it all.

    1. Some people do have their way, what is your point? That you will now pray to your imaginary friend that you also believe was the creator of this problem? Oh wait, was it his counterpart the devil that he blames? hahah

    2. @@grandmaLilith I feel sorry for you. Someone is simply commentating about an evil man and an innocent child, but you just made it about yourself. Keep your hatred to yourself because you’re not helping anyone with that venom.

    3. @@john144 right, because this isn’t a response to a comment about someone making it about themself and the powerless power of praying lol, thanks for making this about how you feel sorry for me, there is a lost suffering child out there and you choose to do THIS with your time? deplorable hahaha

    1. 😢 I never respected the police they are 95% corrupted and helping the wrong people all the time. Even willing to curse at a crying and scared teenager with threats.

      The LAPD is 100% corrupt.
      They always listen to a non Karen white person over any other race.
      I’m not joking

    1. ​@user-pf5jt9js7j Lmao ,Cops commit f****** crimes all the time and get away with it.What would send either me or you a regular civilians straight to fu!$ing jail for many of years……and the whole bs defund the police is nothing but political 🐎 💩…….you really think the politicians would ever really defund their Gestapo lap dogs 😂

    2. @@user-pf5jt9js7j Jonathan IS actually right ! It’s a “well KNOWN fact” that police departments “DO NOT EVER” hire intellectual officers !! They hire ONLY the ones that “they KNOW” are willing to “go along with their program” ! AGAIN, this IS a very WELL known FACT……….Truth, it matters ! Be safe out there fellow “boot slurper”

    1. School resource officers are notorious sexual predators. I graduated in ’04 and we had one at both my high school and middle school. Teenage girls might be too scared to tell adults when they are sexually harassed/assaulted by an authority figure, but they ALWAYS tell their peers.

    2. He is an EX cop!!!.. Still, the moment that he stopped being an on duty cop with lm pretty sure, it’s in his records…his volatile behavior? That moment that he was not in the force no more? No weapon access should have been available and weapons taken away!!!???… But no, being that he was a cop!!!..there are bad apples in every tree!!!!….ok? Thank you.

  2. An officer that doesn’t believe laws apply to him…color me not surprised. My dogs daycare does a more thorough check than most of these “law enforcement” agencies.

    1. @@Pawnband because he murdered 2 people and kidnapped a child. But he was in a “relationship “ (raping) a 16 year old and it wasn’t a recent development.

    1. Well, obviously, he only started his criminal acts after he left the police force… the man took an oath 😅 Is exactly what they will feed us

    1. ​@ez-g3090 so, in your mind, a police officer raping a child, is not worse than a single mother that sometimes goes on dates?

      In your mind, the single mom who sometimes goes on a date is the true monster?
      But, a cop who rapes children is just a ‘guys will be guys’ type of situation?

      I suspect you are either an incel or a child predator.
      Normal people don’t think it’s okay to rape children.

      Seek help.

    1. @@aftonair funny you’d think that when other criminals get set free with no bail whatsoever. Jose Ibarra was arrested for crimes against a child under the age of 17, and was released with no bail needed.

    2. @@aftonair Never trust the cops many have severe mental issues. Simple minded people think that they join the force to protect people. But in reality they join for their own personal selfish reasons. But the portray them as if they’re sacrificing their lives for us. And also never trust those holy roller religious figures either, they’re extremely manipulative , two faced twisted hypocrites.

    3. @@TheLouHam you are incorrect.

      Only people charged with nonviolent crimes are released without bail.

      Unless, of course, you happen to be a cop or an ex-cop.

    1. There’s a huge chance she was his girlfriend and you might not like that but reality check just cause somebody a minor I mean you act like she’s a complete baby reality check she’s 17 and on top of that she was in his place and on top of that and no this is not her fault this is his fault. He’s a grown man he should’ve known better but the reality check when I was 15 I had a boyfriend that was 15. Also when we were I was 15 my friend who is the same age as me her boyfriend was 39 at the time and yes, we called our boyfriend because we were actually dating themnow was it OK no I’m older sure, I know it wasn’t OK but point is we know we’re doing too People act like you don’t lose your mind that you don’t always know or give consent yes, they do minor sometimes get give consent to specially at 1516 years old yes I do does that make it right for the older person to do that no doesn’t because you feel like you they should know better but also they’re in criticize and classifying them late as a girl because she obviously she probably was his girlfriend I mean She probably doesn’t like she was dating him so that does make her a girlfriend and she probably called herself, his girlfriend or whatever too again like this stuff hasn’t been happening and there has been minors that dated older people. The older person should know better sure but act like you know 17 you don’t know what you’re doing. Yeah she does at 17 and again this happened was not her fault at all. He groomed her I do agree with that just like you know I was groomed and just like my friend was groomed now they’re older yes so we know that and we realize that now that we’re older, but I do take responsibility for myself too but I’m tired of you act like you know when you’re young you don’t know what you’re doing all the time. Yeah some of us do I know I didn’t it was wrong. Neither did my friend but the thing is you know they are dead right now and you’re worried about the wordplay like somebody else already said that and when someone made that same comment why the hell are you worried about word when these girls are gone, that girl in that woman is gone and a child was missing stop worrying about the tiny bit of crap when there was more important things happening when people are gone because of this monster, and it was neither one of their fault. It was his fault, and his fault alone.

  3. A grown adult assaulting a teenager is not a “relationship”, its predatory. Why exactly are we doing this passive voice nonsense for a child raping murderer who’s still at large?

    1. Super disturbing this was the choice of words they used in the TITLE, nonetheless… i have serious questions for whoever wrote/approved this.

    2. @@QueenieSilan I don’t mean passive as in their tone of voice, but the way they describe current events. Using terms like “child victim” or “underage girlfriend”, in place of “kidnapped infant” or “sex abuse victim” only serve to pacify the nature of his crimes. This report implies that its possible for a 16 year old child to have a consensual “relationship” with an adult, especially one that works as their school resource officer. Honestly, the power imbalance alone should send a shiver down anyone’s spine

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