200 missing children found in national operation

A six-week national operation found 200 missing children across the U.S.

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  1. Start looking at your “elite” politicians “special programs”, or “special interests”, if you want the real dirt on trafficking. Follow the almighty dollar.

    1. Yep, there’s busses fuII being tr a ff icked by “speciaI” groups, no accountabiIity. I’ve seen vids, they get ticked when put on vid.

    1. It’s on the news when there is a recovery effort like this. But when you do an online search of the amount of people, especially children, the numbers are just staggering. Staggering even in this country. I can’t imagine this world being so full of shitty people that would snatch a little kid and sell them into sex slavery, but it will make you want to cry when you look at each country and the numbers involved.😢

    1. Exactly. There’s a lot of skewing and open to interpretation going on here. We’re all supposed to go “Wow great job!” but from what I can tell one 16 year was being trafficked. Meanwhile half were runaways, and the other half were probably kidnapped BY the police from their own family lol

    1. They gotta get a lot of information from him tho and too often the deal is immunity of charges in exchange 🫤

    2. ​@@eyeshalfwayopeneyeshalfway2603then just don’t give em immunity after he gives the info. I’m sure he’s done similar stunts to the kids, what’s the difference

    3. Democratic Sen. Susan Eggman, who reps part of San Joaquin County just outside San Francisco, gave the fiery speech on the Senate floor last Thursday when lawmakers were weighing legislation that would make it a felony to purchase or solicit a minor for commercial sex in the Golden State.

      “I’d like to say as a progressive, proud member of this body for the last 12 years, I’m done. I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I’m done,” said Eggman, 63.

    1. Pretty typical at this stage. Under cover oops do the deeper work of finding buyers and sellers. The market is set up to protect the customers.

    2. @@kingarthur1776Hush up with the lies. You’re ignoring the real issue that trafficking involves all kinds of politicians, wealthy, kings, monarchs, pastors, priests, mayors, businessmen, sports participants, poor people, drug dealers, corporate CEO’s……
      The Olympics in Paris will be a scene of kidnappings and purchasing.

    1. This will be months of works to follow the money. Just think: Presidential elections are underway and the administration at least needs one little victory.

    2. yall don’t be using your brains and it shows. One person was arrested in the case of the 16 yo girl he was talking about, NOT ONE PERSON FOR ALL 200. 1:04

    1. And yet, the U.S. ignores the trafficking at the border. Who’s getting paid by the cartels on our side of the border? THAT’S the question no one is asking.

    2. ​@@infdox9051Yep trauma based mind control through vergo vasal. All under sra/sex trafficking. Although it’s very obvious most of these kids are running away from being trafficked an are being arrested and taken back.

    1. One man was arrested NEAR THE VIEWING AREA, in connection with ONE CASE, presumably many others were arrested as well, godamn why did so many not catch that?

    1. That one man is the fall guy. Our gov is heavily involved in human trafficking and many US politicians are pedos .. mainly democrats

    2. Theirs over 5 thousand missing at the border ( texas ). Over 2 thousand in hawaii. It only happens in the u.s the country everybody is proud of. Yet the media never covers it! Instead it’s blame on the cartel which is the boogie man to the u.s people.

    1. @@SomeOne-qu4ss jokes? I’m trying to expose one right now in my very own neighborhood…reported now to15 officers, across 4 counties, the DA, some national and international agencies…and not one has shown the slightest care or concern, no inquiry, no follow up, zip

    2. Blaming it on liberal, Hollywood, globalist, shape shifting lizard people who harvest adrenochrome is!…. It is usually just a few scumbags using red state laws to hide and get away with it all.

    3. The act itself isn’t, it’s ideas like random pizza places being fronts for it, or secret Satanic cults sacrificing trafficked children for chemicals in their blood that are the bullshit bits.

    1. This looks like mainstream news to me man 😂 also some of these local channels air the news months ago and only upload until now

      Like the Las Vegas UAP crash

    2. @@CoercedJab Mainstream news is NATIONAL news. This is video from a LOCAL news station. Nobody outside the Chicago area would typically see the report, and it’s crazy the whole country isn’t being told. And your take on “news” channels showing “news” stories months later (when they’re no longer news)?? You know there’s a difference between a news story & an update to a news story, right? No network would break a news story, HOLD the broadcast video, THEN put it on youtube with a publish date 90 days AFTER its original air date.

  2. The fact they could find 200 means they could find 2000. Trafficking is real and the rich are only getting richer because of it. It’s disgusting and sad.

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