200 missing kids found in national operation

A six-week national operation found 200 missing children across the U.S., including children from Arizona.

Operation We Will Find You 2 (OWWFY2) is the second of its kind. The operation spanned May 20 to June 24.

A news release from the Department of Justice reads, in part, "With technical assistance from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), OWWFY2 resulted in the recovery and removal of 123 children from dangerous situations. An additional 77 missing children were located and found to be in safe locations, according to law enforcement or child welfare agencies. Of the 200 children found, 173 were endangered runaways, 25 were considered otherwise missing, one was a family abduction, and one was a non-family abduction. The youngest child recovered was five months old. 14 of the children were found outside the city where they went missing. Additionally, of the missing children recovered, 57% were recovered within seven days of the USMS assisting with the case."

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    1. Ask the idiot Media companies. They would rather stoke culture wars, more views. Congratulations to the Marshall service and hopefully these terrible experience will not define them for the rest of their lives.

    2. It did make national news, and if you look it up, this is what you find: “Of the 200 children found, 173 were endangered runaways, 25 were considered otherwise missing, one was a family abduction, and one was a non-family abduction.” in other words, only 2 kidnappings, one of which was by a family member. 99% were runaways, or kids who couldn’t be found but were then found.

      This is just a public relations event by the US Marshal Service.

    1. politics. these are mostly illegal alien children. so hush hush, this is an election year. I am not saying that it is right. but that is why, hush hush

    1. All the funding for it is being sent to Joe’s buddies in Ukraine, and the solution involves border security. But border security means no new democrat voters.

  1. What’s scary is… who is buying these children? Our neighbors? Coworkers? Family members? Clearly many people are. We live in a SICK world.

    1. @@maryreis3339 well it’s apparently more than a few people when hundreds/thousands of kids in cities all over America are getting rescued.

  2. Child sex trafficing is no joke. Im now 48. It happened to me 43 years ago. My dad found a way to make money to pay for his drug addiction and keep it hidden from my mom. He went to prison and now lives in the phillipines and publishes a christian journal. Come to find out, as an adult, my mother knew the whole time. Please, speak out. Tell your stories. This needs to stop. Pray for these children. ❤

    1. ​@@LiwaySaGu I hope she answers you. I saw a video of what happens to foreigners over there when they act up. A group gathered together and respect was earned real quick. It looks like they don’t put up with BS over there:)

    1. You can bet that the only reason this happened is that the child relative of a prominent person was one of the missing. And now that they are anonymously recovered trafficking will go on as usual.

    2. Not really, making a bust in a well organized and large ring can be difficult and especially if you want to get the people involved. Meaning you need proper warrants and everything to be under surveillance otherwise much would be circumstantial evidence and they would just give up a few fall guys and the big guy goes free.

      They make a bust like this every once in a while. I also wouldn’t be surprised if politicians on the west coast (like LA) help hide this as they also voted down bills (yes multiple bills) that would result in stricter sentences for child SA. They said it would make life harder on the pedos and that isn’t fair.

    1. No! These TV networks are all part of a global system and ideaology that are owned by people ready to jump on into that , ‘ NE W WO RLD ORD ER CRAPOLA!!,(

    2. Perhaps bc the 6 corporations that own all USA media have a vested interest in keeping it as quiet as possible? The “powers that be” are the primary clients? Idk, bc otherwise you’re exactly right, why isn’t this national news?

    3. Because this is hardly news. This is lowkey fear mongering. You are coming to the comments wondering why they’re not blasting this cause you assume that those 200 missing kids are child trafficking, kid napping, ect. But only 2 of the cases were kid napping with 1 of them being a family member. 173 of them were kids run away kids

    1. @@PlushKnuckles-fx1ep in MY OPINION it absolutely does reflects a crazy, evil world of which we are living in. Trafficking and human trade is all over this world. Where do you think these poor innocent children end up? They don’t all stay in the US, nor is the issue only reserved for the US. Moreover, we live in a world of which what most everyday people find these things terrible and atrocious there are deviants in high places and in power that cover, hide, and facilitate this sort of thing. Do you think you live in a world that is admirable or sane?

    2. Because unfortunately it is obvious. And a continuously happening issue. Theres 200 more waiting to be saved right now almost guaranteed.

    1. It’s a demonic world out there. Many of these kids would be tortured, used as toys, and God only knows what horrors these people would be bringing onto the kids.

    2. @@joshuamurray9403 Ah yes, blood libel, a lie nearly as old as your brand of religious nonsense. Guess I can look forward to a new dark age where we can settle our differences the way they did back then. I’m fit and trained and prepped for it for years. Have you and your ilk? I doubt it, to judge from the photos on people of walmart…

    1. @Resnullia Reading is fundamental. This comment is about WOMEN, even if off topic. You can either agree or disagree with the point. That is all. 😂

    1. I hope you’re saying girls cuz you only have girls. If you have boys you should apply the same rules. Boys get taken advantage of too. Fairly commonly. They just dont say anything about it, which makes them easier targets for some nasty people.

    2. Do whatever you feel is necessary to protect your children regardless of what others think. After all, you are the one responsible for their safety and will be the one dealing with the consequences God forbid if something happens. People nowadays are quick to be critical of others decisions!!!!

    3. @@Mao_tse_tung both pediatricians my girls have had have said that they never allowed their kids to sleepover at other people’s homes either. They’ve seen too much. Also, I can name several times I slept over at a friends house at various ages where someone there made me feel uncomfortable, even at extended family’s homes. Adolescent teens have urges, also so many unsuspecting pedofiles in our society. Imagine allowing someone to have free reign over your kids for 8 hours at night while everyone sleeps. Also, you may trust the people you let your kid stay with, but what about their visitors? People visit those homes that you don’t know. I could go on and on about the dangers, but to each their own. My girls will sleep at home until they’re much older and can defend themselves against unwanted attacks/advances and verbalize to me that someone makes them feel uncomfortable. I have been a victim and I guarantee you over 50% of people reading this can remember things that shouldn’t have happened at sleepovers as well.

  3. Just because it isn’t being always reported on doesn’t mean child trafficking isn’t happening 24/7. People tend to forget how dangerous it is because of the lack of media attention… Hope the children get the help they need.

    1. My hopeful answer is that there arent usually 200 children that need finding. My realistic answer is that 1, children who are unloved are targeted more, meaning they’re harder to find because no parents or friends will come looking. And 2, they’re hidden and moved around too much to be found. Likely in part to sx trafficking.

    2. @@ava4689 i think that theres way more than 200 kids out there being used for sex and other horrible things. My guess would be in the hundreds of thousands

    3. @@dogeo6052People can’t wrap their heads around that. Even though the evidence is powerful. I think people don’t want to know the truth because it’s depressing. Thats my guess

  4. The IRS can spend millions on adding extra employees for an increase of audits but the local police station can’t add an extra division solely for the help of finding the thousands of missing children each year. It’s ridiculous

    1. Well if you payed any attention to the news in the last few years you’d be aware that people, at least the people where I live, hate cops more than crime. They’d rather defund the police and shoot up fenty than spend any time focusing in missing kids.

    2. It’s almost like the IRS, you know, collects taxes… which funds police officers… the fact that people like you get to vote is the ridiculous part.

  5. If you’ve ever seen “The Sound of Freedom”, you will feel 100x worse about this situation. Disgusting and demonic. Pray for the children of the world and the innocent ones. 💕🙏🏻 ✝️

    1. Movie was so sad, felt heartbroken the whole time, just imagine that it really is reality of what many children going through right now under our noses

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