460,000 Kids Are Reported Missing Every Year In The U.S.

"Black children in America represent about 15% of the U.S. child population according to the U.S. Census. They represent about 40% of our missing children's cases… They're not being represented in the media and that's a huge problem," says Callahan Walsh, Child advocate at NCMEC.

Walsh also states that the media gives the most attention to cases of missing white, blonde hair, blue-eyed children.

For more information, visit missingkids.org.

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  1. Oregon is another place with a high rate but one thing that needs awareness is some kids are running from there own family but there is definitely sinister happening behind the scenes.

    1. Bruh if my “Family” were just government agents who were paid a pretty penny to stay quiet about my origins I would run away too.

    1. Yeah maybe the people being puppeted by the lizards shouldn’t have made that deal for advanced tech in exchange for 8 million humans every year.

    2. Yup but dumb white supremacists “patriotics” will claim it’s the best in the world…
      This is “advanced” technology when really this world is sick and America is evil
      They have money for wars but can’t stop children from going missing

    3. There’s always a bigger picture then just America, it’s also outside America, a very deep rooted issue. Normal people won’t fathom or understand. It’s truly sinister and diabolical.

  2. He’s right. All children deserve coverage. Some missing children and grown women get all the attention. And all others get none. So disheartening.

  3. Why do the public do not get it’s just that they don’t believe

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