5 Cold Cases That Were SOLVED In 2023

Today we take a look at 5 Cold Cases That Were Solved In 2023.

00:00 Intro
00:06 Kayla Unbehaun
05:30 Larry Fuller
08:58 Sarah Yarborough
16:25 Carol Reiff
20:03 Jose Randolfo Pagoda

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    1. There are far too many of these cases (sexual assault, murder) involving repeat offenders. Wonder what the recidivism rate is for male offenders who sexually assault a woman and are released back into society? Has to be very high. How do you reform this type of offender

    2. ​@@Megs901 Exactly!! I, personally, am sickened by the lawmakers that allow inmates to be released after serving half the time they earned, by the ones that commute death sentences to life, and by the others that allow inmates who have exhausted all appeals to sit on death row for years. Bullets are quicker and much less expensive than lethal injection or the electric chair. Bullets are more humane than hanging or the gas chamber. The lawyers have done their jobs, done their best to represent their clients. Now it’s your turn: come on lawmakers, judges and parole boards… these victims and their families deserve so much better from you!!!!

  1. Wait so in the first case she stole like 6 years of time between the father and daughter and she’s only likely to face a Max of three years but most likely probation? How is that Justice? That type of sentence would not deter anyone from committing the same crime

    1. The only good thing you can take from that case is that it was a mom who took the child for love or vindictiveness and not some maniac. 😢

  2. So glad Kayla got back to her Dad thanks to an eagle eyed lady who they forgot to thank in that long list.
    Her mother deserves some long prison time not 1-3 years and most likely probation. It’s so wrong what she put Kayla through and the Dad, his family and maybe hers if they didn’t know.

    1. @@noxx1176 absolutely. The CJS is weird like that in all countries. The mother put Dad and Kayla through hell for her selfishness and gets a slap. Sometimes people get longer sentences for possession of drugs. Not selling, just using for themselves and not hurting anyone else. That’s what’s so wrong. I bet the mother will also want visitation with Kayla when she gets out and will probably be allowed and get supervised visits. 🤬

  3. So happy Kayla got a happy ending! I wonder what her life was like before being found. I’m guessing her mother was very strict, to avoid her escaping or being discovered. So happy she got back with her amazing dad!

  4. This transition is probably hard on Kayla. To be ripped away from her mother (even though she’s a criminal) and be placed with a father she doesn’t know anymore has to be hard and confusing. I hope the relationship with her father is an easy one and grows strong m.

    1. No one’s heard the mother story…. She was abused by this man. She was raped. Imprisoned. But she can’t prove it now and when she was imprisoned by that man she was extremely scared that’s why she completely disappeared

    2. She’d have memories of her father. She wasn’t so young where she’d forget him completely, but this ‘mother’ seems like the type that would have poisoned her daughter’s mind against her father. That’s going to take years of therapy to get over. I’d be surprised if Kayla even wants to maintain a relationship with her mother after this. Regardless of how well she was treated… assuming that her mother wasn’t abusive to her, this woman was selfish enough to take her away from her father who also loved her very much.

    1. Tasmr, you are totally correct. It’s tragic the years the father has lost. She should also have to reimburse law enforcement for the costs of the investigation.

  5. There’s that case where the mother and son disappeared, and then she was found in motel dead from suicide and the boy missing. They never found him, but it’s still uncertain if he’s alive or dead since there’s no evidence to suggest any of that. I really happy that Kayla was found alive and returned to her father, more like I was relieved…

  6. The family can sue the state for allowing Nicholas out. Let the murderer pay in a civil case and a life sentence but, like cops who abuse innocent people. The judge or parole board let him out from jail EARLY and she would have still been alive were it not for they allowing him out.

  7. Why is their justice system so stupid?? Why release a repeat offender?? I have heard of so many cases like this in America. Some even go hunt down their victims to finish off what they started after being released from jail.

  8. The second case with Larry’s reasoning is so weird to me. he said ” i didn’t mean to kill him i thought he was someone else” he basically said he meant to kill someone but it happened to be the wrong guy by mistake

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