5 Disturbing Recordings Left by Missing Persons

Here are some of the most disturbing recordings left by missing people. This video features 5 disturbing, creepy, shocking, and scary audio and video recordings left by people before they went missing.

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    1. When he came at her to take her life that’s probably what was going through her mind. What an absolutely sickening and horrible feeling that must have been, knowing she was right and couldn’t do a thing about it.

    2. Reminds me of a story, told by the experiencer, she was a therapist’s client seeing her for the stalking by an ex she was going through and it was getting bad. The therapist cried and confided she was going through it too. The client felt like she was I danger for sure but it was more shocking that her therapist was killed. I’m probably remembering it wrong, maybe the therapist didn’t say anything, but it’s the fact she needed help too and it ended this way. It’s very unfair.

    3. @@deadinside8781 if the therapist did that then she was being unprofessional, because therapists are never really supposed to share their lives or problems with their clients. But, even it’s true, that’s really sad. May she RIP

    4. Yes this one had me fuming! It so easily could’ve been avoided, but nope ofc not bc domestic anything always gets pushed under the rig, unless you’re rich or have ties and it still sides w the abuser 9/10 times.
      It’s disgusting.

    5. ​@@deadinside8781wow that’s really sad. It’s irritating that there’s countless stories like that. It’s not right and that breaks my heart.

    1. The problem is that the word narcissist is used so much recently that people who are actually suffering at the hands of someone who has Narcissistic personality disorder NPD are not understood as to the things that might sound petty or little to others they tell or question about to their friends the severity of the situation if the narcissist gets on to the fact that they’re leaving them could as here be fatal and to children too very sad case and one that we seem to be hearing about more often

  1. The one that disturbs me most is Susan Powell. I can’t imagine knowing that my husband is likely going to kill me, and yet still have to get through my day and somehow be able to sleep at night and take care of my children. And then it turns out she was right. Absolutely terrifying.

    1. Sweetie I’m sure he adores you so much more than you know (I’m not being patronising I just talk like this sorry) I’d gladly die a horrible death for my wife like most husbands. Just think before you have children does he have mental issues if yes, don’t

    1. They don’t have the resources to devote an entire team to every supposed missing person and they know from experience that most aren’t missing from foul play and turn up on their own. This is just the way of the world.

    2. @@alexander1902according to what? There’s normally always like 30-40 cops just sitting at the stations I can promise u it’s not empty

  2. Josh’s father was also a massive creep and became obsessed with Susan, despite being her father-in-law. He would stalk her and film her (and Josh) while she was out, some of said footage can be seen in this video

    1. I heard excerpts from his “diary” that he’d been keeping regularly, for years on end, and the entire thing was about nothing but Susan. The man was seriously disturbed. Poor Susan.

  3. I’ve heard the recording that Amber Tuccaro made of her likely killer before- so chilling. It’s clear she knew something was very, very wrong and was trying to record hints of where they were going. There is an absolute epidemic of Indigenous women going missing in the US and Canada, and law enforcement agencies in both countries are not taking it seriously. Some of the issue is that many of the women were hitch hiking, and there seems to be an attitude that whatever happened to them, they brought it on themselves. It’s tough to own and keep a car on the road when you’re poor. Kudos to content creators like you that keep these cases in people’s thoughts.

    1. Yes, absolutely! MMIP is an epidemic in both countries. Little to nothing is done by law enforcement. Meanwhile, the family, friends, and loved ones are fighting to keep their voices alive. Hopefully it changes soon!

    2. ​@@janessaganuelas4323

      It won’t change until the politicians talk about it, and even then it’ll never change because native American women are looked at as some sort of prize or commodity. It’s this world that we live in but God will smite this world one day and Jesus will destroy the wicked ones and bring back a better age.

  4. I really appreciate this channel because its straight to the point. No long intro, outro or any thing that lengthens the video to get more adsense money like so many youtube vids, or just waste our time. Respect.

  5. The last one is one of the scariest ones I’ve heard and I’ve heard that story several times over the years. Just a guy minding his own business goes missing forever in the middle of the night with zero explanation. Incredibly eerie

  6. No dragged out intros, no exaggerated narration, covers plenty of lesser known topics, just straight to the content and informative.

    I wish more horror channels were like this.

  7. Josh Powell and his dad were 100% weirdos. It’s terrible that Susan and her children never made it out of the situation. Hope her family find some kind of resolution like they can bring her remains home and family can fully mourn her

    1. Yep…incredibly foolish of her….even for guys hitch hiking is dangerous but way more so for women….never never hitch hike if you are a women and especially if you are by yourself…..there are to many creeps out there.

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