Arizona ranks in the top 10 for missing persons cases

The disappearance of 24-year-old Daniel Robison, who was las seen driving away from his work site in Buckeye three months ago, has also sparked renewed attention into other missing persons cases across the state.

Arizona ranks in the top 10 for missing persons according to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, a user-generated tracking system used by the Justice Department. The numbers reveal cases are often underreported.


    1. Not safe anywhere, too much evilness in this world, unfortunately most of these poor souls are dead, there was a teen girl who dissapear from her house on Christmas eve, and they found her remains years later when they were digging into the area to put up some kind of building, Sad

  1. Sir we will keep looking and never stop all the missing deserve better then this . God Bless we will share his photo and we will help any way we can . Never give up .

  2. Daniel belongs to a very distinguished family. He’s an accomplished geologist. Law enforcement say they don’t suspect foul play, but his family disagrees. His father hired a private investigator, but the family needs MORE ATTENTION from POLICE to search for Daniel. He was doing professional job when he disappeared in very strange circumstances

    1. I believe so too especially the coworker who last saw him, i believe his name is Ken eliott. The last person to see a missing person are always investigated, why not in this case?

  3. Jesus is Lord.
    God is His own Holy Ghost.
    God is a spirit who measures the heart.
    Faith reveals all truth.
    God! My Lord AND my GOD!
    Salvation comes by faith in God.
    You can not “know” God without knowing JESUS the Christ of God.
    That requires the word.
    In the beginning was the word; and the word IS with God and the word IS God.

  4. Lord God please bless these people.
    You think you are guaranteed to live to tomorrow? There is NO Promise of tomorrow today.
    Live from the heart! Lead by example! You treat people like you want to be treated.
    You are POWERLESS over your own heart and you are BOUND TO HELL in a temporary fleshly existence called the human BODY unless you know the Lord!
    You are a walking statistic.
    God bless these people and forgive those who willfully sin and reject the idea of God who through FAITH is revealed the truth to all things pertaining to life.
    Do live in this world is certain death.
    Yet, to die in this world in Christ is eternal life.
    Yet, knowing the truth is not a decision you choose. You are chosen from the foundation of the UNIverse. The “REST” is HIS-STORY.
    What is “seen” is not always there.
    What is there is not always seen.

  5. Also, what is really left out is the lessons of those who live out lives only in sin, for sin will all perish in sin and history is the only victor. Yet, the writer of history gives clues as to the overall direction of all things past, present and future and the “faith” it takes for all truth to be revealed can only come from the creator, not the creation. Never look to man to understand all things. Look to God.
    All things in the world are all OF the world and are all deceptions.
    If you think that you can think yourself into real knowledge is what Stalin and Hitler did. It’s what Einstein did…and using their own minds they brought monsters into manifestation.
    Yet, had they followed their hearts, history would have been very different.
    Yet, it is that way and for reasons you can never understand because they are not for your understanding, but for the one or ones who God chooses to reveal them to.
    Yet, you do not have that understanding because you yourself can not choose for yourself to what knowledge is revealed.
    God Himself chooses His self to whom He reveals Himself to. Not a religion, not a church, not a synagogue….none of those temporary things. Only God.
    Who is God?
    You will never know because you look out to the world for answers. You do the same exact things all people have done.
    Stop looking out, start looking WITHIN.

  6. Honestly so much desert open landscape our freeways run directly from our city centers and immediately into rural areas with 20-30mins in some areas.. the Rez is even scarier they’re private people they aren’t trusting of authority so if you have problems out there you’re at the mercy of fate…

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