David Paulides – Disappearances Near Water and Cases of Missing Seasoned Hunters

Explore the baffling cases of missing persons in David Paulides' Missing 411. Across national parks, eerie patterns emerge: disappearances near water, odd memories upon return, and clothing found in inexplicable locations. David takes us even deeper down the rabbit hole as he highlights the outdoorsmen and seasoned hunters missing cases.

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  1. When I was homeless I lived in a ten next to a swamp ,I will never forget one night I heard something stand up from out of the water and walk over to my tent , I was frozen with fear whatever it was was a bipedal creature and as it stood next to my tent I could hear the droplets of water hit the ground , I believe there are entrances hidden deep in woods to unground worlds yet to be found

    1. Can u tell us more? Like how close your tent was to the water, around what time it happened, were you alone .

      Can u tell us what happened next. Did it stay long and when did it leave. Did u stay afterwards?

      Im.so sorry you were in thst situation. I hope your doing better these days.

    1. Leaves out important info on cases– even that people were found alive. His recent video where he insulted someone – an artist thatt did a portrait of his son- many stated disdain for the arrogant response he gave about it. is NOT there now from the other day-WHAT does that tell you??????? It was rude and insulting to the artist.

    2. @@larrywakeman4371 You’re a liar and a disgrace to human-kind for smearing someone telling the truth. You’ll get what’s coming to you, in this life or the next.

    3. @@larrywakeman4371 False information. You give zero evidence. Another individual trying to blindly discredit Paulides’ work for money. Shocker.

    4. ​@@deerichardz Agreed. I have noticed this when I’ve decided to look into cases he’s discussed and found that he’s conveniently missed out significant key info and I’ve commented to ask why as he states he reads all comments but the first was deleted and then I posted another but got nothing from it. Likely deleted also. Gutted because I’ve loved and followed his work for years but ever since the loss of his son, I sometimes find it unbearable to watch the first parts of the videos he posts on his channel as they’re always about moaning and complaining about the fact that people actually have opinions online! Can you believe it! Other people hold opinions! All a bit weird…

    1. It’s d navy in scuba gear possibly. Should av checked dem trees for concealed trap doors dad. Anyone hiking there without air tags and camera on live feed is a idiot ages of d ignoramus proportion

    2. Left u comment might find very interesting. N if you do need help, just to say ask for (ARR) please please if you can help. This is IRISH NAME FOR WHO WE REVER TO as THE TRUE CREATOR AND AUTHORITY N ARCHITECT N DESIGNER OF ALL INCLUDING MY LIVING BEING AKA SOUL. I KNOW ALOT CALL ON JESUS. BUT WE CALL ON OUR ARR. This is just an easy way for you to pronounce it. The true spelling is different. But this il do. Just incase i know your very aware there alot more going on than what we’re been told. 👍

    1. I’d love to really drop the whole story here to you now because it’s a fantastic story of alien abduction but I don’t have the time… I know what you quote, the noise not mentioned , that sounded like a trap!
      As what was happening to me upstairs, my room mate down below on ground level, out side in fact, seen a black, small pod like craft, flying upwards towards a cigar shaped ship, the size of an air craft carrier… she told me the next day, (innocently believing it all a dream [TRUST ME PLEASE IT WAS NOT A DREAM!!]) that as it docked with the larger ship it first connected like hinges and then very very loudly folded against it and connected with a very loud bang of metal that reminded her of a trap. Later when I showed her the scene you mention she went white from the blood draining out of her face and covered in goose bumps. I myself stood next to an alien in my room. They came for my girl friend and I completely forgot the next day until I stumbled back upon it all by pure luck. That’s how it all began for myself. Absolute fact my friend, take that statement to the bank.

    2. Any idea which video he talks about this particular sound of a trap door or metal door being heard.Id love to hear it.I heard one myself one late night,in Georgia.

    3. @@timcollins6183 yes. Missing 411 the hunted. A hunter said he heard it and Scott carpenter said it in one of his videos. He has since passed away but you can still view it I don’t the title of carpenter video but in the hunted you will hear it

  2. From the UK our antient ancestors viewed water as sacred and an access to the underworld to appease the spirits of that underword sacred offerings were made likely at ceremonies or special times of the year … what did our ancestors know and see going in and out of water!

    1. Dragon realms is in those water. The only reason in Asia they do offering at water is to appease a spirits or the dragons nearby.

    2. Yeah, why make offerings to the water, makes me think they knew something we have forgotten. Why all the people drowning in manchester canals, but never seen happening. And then the two women in rivers that make no sense.

  3. I just left another post on the issue of water and the disappeared, but I wanted to also comment that I admire Dave for all his devotion to missing people and the countless hours he has devoted to them!!!!

  4. Many years ago I saw an interview with a man who claimed to have seen Bigfoot in a very swampy area.
    He described the Creature he’d seen and then stated what he apparently thought was the most incredible aspect.
    What he said was that “it disappeared into the water.”

    1. That’s shape shifting and very demonic like … I think these things are some kind of spiritual evilness that we cant understand​@@JonnyParker-

    2. @@jeidenrodriguez1228people say that’s some Indians like Navajo etc make a deal with the darkness and became like these beings forever

  5. My husband was a naval officer and did “search and evasion” training up in Maine at that site. It’s a big wilderness area where they teach military personnel to evade capture and how to escape from an enemy. It’s VERY rugged and wild terrain.

  6. My brother went missing at 18 he was on a night out drinking he was missing for two weeks in total the police divers in the UK checked a section of water which was a canal. On the second search they said they found him in a section they had checked .I know a search by divers is quite through so it has always left me wondering where was he when they checked the water the first time .when I listen to missing 411 it does have some similar things related to 411 uk 🇬🇧 here and god bless anyone who has felt the loss and pain

    1. I’m so sorry for your loss as I can only imagine the pain and the questions left for you and your family as to what happened to your brother. I know Dave has commented on Manchester region of UK as a large cluster of men found in water. Yes, here in the US, he has commented on many cases in the Midwest of young men being found in bodies of water. Here, in California, I live one hour from Yosemite which he identifies as the largest cluster of missing people. Again, my condolences!

    2. @user-ce2tl4lp4l  thank you so much and yeah Manchester canals was a thing in the UK but nothing was ever raised .dave has gave this subject so much insight and I found so many similar things raised in his work experience and stories ….there was another case last year of a female who wad found in a river after weeks of searching and there’s no real explanation for this and was in a urban setting 🤔

    3. My condolences to you and your family it must be so hard i have five brothers and would be devastated by something so awful may god bless you and your family and give you the strength and understanding to make it through this pain ❤

  7. 1963 I was 12/13 . I would get off school bus at a friend’s house to visit. I didn’t leave until dark. This night, I walked my usual 4 miles in the dark. I had all most crested small the hill . Suddenly got real quit. On my left I heard a loud bang. Sound like wooded spoon hitting aluminum dish pan. I dropped my books and purch i ran like a sprinter the last quarter of mile not looking back. I never stay at friends house again.

  8. I was just listening to someone talk about alien abductions… the speaker said that the survivors are sometimes found with their clothes inside out or sometimes in clothes that weren’t theirs. I thought of David’s stories right away!

    1. I’ve heard this as we, and that 4h3 small Greys, the androids, are the knew who ‘put them back’,, and they, the Greys, mess up often with how clothes fit… Don’t know if this is true, but a Contactee told the story

  9. Ok. Now i will tell my experience, rural Missouri, about 2010. I wad out just before dark w my 4-wheeler, attached trailer, collecting tree debris. A bowling ball sized sphere glowing white with a red center shot thru the woods, swerved around a large tree and dove into the big pond. I will never forget it. Freaked me out. That location of the woods had some kind of portal. Other strange experiences in this 2 acre area. It changed my life. I know what i saw. But i dont know what i saw.✝️

  10. I spent most of my childhood in the wood. I was reasonably comfortable being in the woods day or night. My father and I were hunting in the early 80s around Table Rock Lake. I was around 7 or 8, i believe. My father looked at me and said, “If i say run, you run and keep up with me.” I said ok. I didn’t ask why. I was taught not to ask questions. I thought it was because of bears or mountain lions. Long story short, around dusk, i started to hear leaves crunching. My father looked at me but said nothing. Ten to fifteen minutes later, he said we were going to head back. I started to hear branches breaking along with leaves shuffling. Whatever it was, it was big. My father stopped and looked around, and so did i. I did not see anything nether did my father. You do not talk very much when hunting, but i asked my father if he sees anything. He looked very worried but said he had seen nothing. The woods were very, very dense. It was hard to see anything. All of a sudden, my father said to run. We started to run towards shore. Whatever was behind us, it was big and more than one. I can hear this grunting sound as we were running. It wasn’t coming from my father or i. We made it to shore, and my father stopped running. I asked what was chasing us. My father said he didn’t know. It was getting dark, and i couldn’t see anything. We started to walk along the shore towards our truck. My father had his hand gun out, and i had my 22 pointed up, but at the ready. I could hear crunching of leaves and limbs the entire time. We finally made it to the truck. We both got in, and i asked my father what he had seen. He said at the corner of his eyes he had seen two tall creatures. They looked human but very well camouflaged. He said he thought they were bears at first. He said bears do not move like these creatures, though. I said then what they were. He said, “i have no clue. I’ve never seen anything like that.” He said, “dont tell your mother.” My mother didn’t like me hunting with my father. She thought it was extremely dangerous.

    1. You’re right about the bears if a bear was tracking you guys it has no qualms about go ahead and showing itself to you. So whatever it was was actually showing a different kind of intelligence.

  11. When my daughter was 13 & a Girl Scout she went with her troop to Big Basin in Santa Cruz, Ca. They went on a hike & my daughter was last in line & looked up & couldn’t see anyone. She said the sky was a weird hue & she could hear faint voices but couldn’t find anyone. She got scared & started calling out w/no response. She was in the same place but it was somehow different. She also got really hot & took off her coat & was suddenly overcome with fatigue but she said her inner voice told her not to sit down & then, before she knew it, there was her Leader!! The GS leader was frightened obviously & told my daughter they’d been looking for her for 40 minutes yet my daughter said the whole thing only lasted a couple minutes. So weird & I’m glad my daughter listened to her inner voice. Thank God❤

    1. It sounds like it was some sort of time portal. Or not necessarily a portal but she existed in one space but the people she was with were in another. I don’t know if that makes sense. I’ve heard stories where the people say that when they were in this type of atmosphere it was different.

    2. ​@@user-qi4uo9rc1n It’s like some sort of a time slip or alternative parallel dimension that’s somehow connecting and interacting with our reality at certain times and places. Many people believe that this is one of the explanations for Missing 411 cases, specifically the ones where people suddenly vanish without a single trace left behind and when people reappear, or are found significantly far away or in an impossible place.
      I don’t know if it’s true or not but from what I’ve heard from people who claim to have experience with this phenomenon, they say the number one most important rule is to stay exactly where you are. Ignore anything that you see or hear, stay awake and alert, and just wait it out until it passes.

    3. 😮 This is valuable info! You should do interviews with Pauline’s or Mr. Ballin! The question is, how do they change the scenery for the victims? Is it some type of wavelengths? Same with them being tired. What makes them tired? Hot? How do they alter those things in the minds and bodies of these disappearing people? Not to mention their time confusion?

  12. When David talked about the dogs not being able to find anything concerning the people they were looking for it’s interesting that when a dog is searching for someone they smell the air too. They can smell a scent in the air even after several hours have passed.

  13. It is with a heavy heart that I share the tragic story of my friend, Lauren Thompson, who went missing in East Texas. During a phone call with 911, she expressed fear and uncertainty as she was being pursued in her car. Her phone call was tracked for nearly 30 minutes before her phone went dead, and despite extensive searches of the wooded area, she remained missing. Tragically, her remains were discovered three years later in an area that had been previously searched multiple times.

    Lauren was a dedicated and compassionate mother who was actively involved in her church community. She abstained from drugs and alcohol, and her disappearance and subsequent death have left us all deeply saddened. While the authorities do not suspect foul play, the circumstances surrounding her case remain a mystery.

    We remember Lauren as a kind and caring individual, and our thoughts and prayers are with her family during this difficult time. May she rest in peace.

    I would like to inquire if there are any similar cases that have been encountered before. It has been two years since the incident, and unfortunately, there have been no responses or updates from either the park service or the police. In her 911 call, it was evident that she was running from something and was in a state of fear. However, despite these indications, no foul play is suspected. The lack of information and answers has caused me great distress, and I kindly request your assistance in researching her case. The incident occurred in DeBerry, Texas (Panola County), which is situated near the border of Louisiana.

    1. @Jmrckim they didn’t think there was any suspicious things about a girl on 911 being pursued and then disappears that is crazy!❤

  14. Check out a YouTuber named South Force 10. He’s from around the region Dennis Martin was abducted, he states that there are feral people in the Appalachian mountains and his family and others was contracted out back in the 30s and 40s to hunt these things before it became a state park and they’d be payed a bounty for each one.
    He also revealed that little boy was taken by one and eaten, and the green berets did go in and killed a bunch, but they live in deep caverns and in the caves. Take it for what it is🤷

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