Four arrests made in the case of the missing Kansas moms | Morning in America

NewsNation has confirmed four people have been arrested in connection to the disappearance of two Kansas moms.

Veronica Butler, 27, and Jilian Kelley, 39, from Hugoton, Kansas, disappeared Mar. 30 without a trace except for an abandoned car found on the side of a road.

Tad Bert Cullum, 43, Tifany Machel Adams, 54, Cole Earl Twombly, 50 and Cora Twombly, 44, were arrested in Texas and Cimarron Counties, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said Saturday.

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  1. What kind of monster robs children of their moms? So sad. Now Veronicas children won’t even have their grandparents.
    Our world has gone mad…..

    1. Your country has always been mad. You give guns to every dude. Do you know how many of my buddies would be in jail or dead had that been the case for us growing up? Probably HALF of us!!

  2. Wtf??
    WHY did these people even get CONSIDERED for custody of the children? Who in their right mind would grant even TEMPORARY custody to this woman? Mind boggling. What did they imagine would happen? Smh..😢

    1. I would guess that there was a physical altercation between her and the father or something to do with drugs. It varies from state to state but grandparents get the first crack at custody if both parents are seen unfit at the time. They typically don’t check them throughly bc it’s the grandparents. Unfortunately there’s holes in the system

    2. Well it does seem like it was a tough decision for the judge. Veronica had them until a minor in her family SAd one of her children. Then wrangler got custody and Veronica’s visits became supervised. Wranger then goes to jail. What now yanno? Wrangler lived close to his mom. The kids were probably able to stay at the same school and continue their normal routine while living with Tiffany. Veronica and wrangler both fought to keep Tiffany from getting custody when they could. And Veronica was about to get full custody again this month.

    3. ​@mga7649 I don’t think she’s that well off. the land she has is from her parents ( I think ) and she gets farming subsidys( not much) Most her money probably goes into cattle and farming and it’s not as profitable as you would think.

    4. Exactly! Usually when a parent is killed because of custody issues, the parent that was killed IS the one who has the custody. This is the person who already has custody, killing the parent who doesn’t have custody. Wtf

  3. About time!!
    I think everybody knew this “grandmother” was involved in the disappearance of the two women. So shameful for these people to take the lives of those women…leaving forever pain with the children, spouses and parents…not caring at all. My condolences to the family.

    1. I knew it had to be Granny when I found out she threatened to shoot her own son if he didn’t lie to the courts that there was sexual abuse by someone in the Mom’s circle.

    2. @@angel511000 Oh my, that’s evil! Now…she took away their mom and a woman who had NOTHING to do with this drama. Truly sad…I think of those children.😢😢

  4. She really thought she could get away with killing the mother of her grandkids by being the town bully…smh…I hope she gets the book thrown at her.

    1. Under a story last night some commenters were saying the grandmother was talking to police. It would not surprise me if they offered her life without parole instead of the death penalty. And she threw all of her accomplices under the bus to save herself. Told the police everything. Anyway, one of them will testify, for a lighter sentence.

    2. @@peacegypsy8994Are you referring to the 2022 Nicole Bennett, Ronald McKinney, Whitney Butler Jacksonville, Florida case? Or this one? If you were kin to an abused child, I’m so very sorry. 😞 💔

    1. @@Closereveryday but would they have been friends if she wasn’t part of the custody visitation? That was the main connection of the two women

    1. There was no legal way the judge could’ve justified taking the kids from Tiffany until their mom could get them back. (Which she was about to do) the system takes time and Veroncia was winning the battle. Be mad at the mfs who broke the law. Also kids have to be black n blue, or left at the fire station (with no family in the world) before cps takes them.

    2. It speaks to me of a national failure of personal responsibility that everybody’s knee-jerk impulse is to find some arm of the government to blame. A crazy grandmother planned and orchestrated this event. I’m no fan of various governmental agencies, but given the restrictions under which CPS and judges are laboring, given the paucity of safe foster homes, what the hell can be expected?

    1. @@barbsluv1 tell me about the abuse they suffered at the hands of their mother? There hasn’t been much information? Also, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. Are you excusing the murder? The children are the victims in the story and that’s it

    1. Exactly! Most cases like this are right before a custody hearing or right after filing for divorce. Those 4 kooks prob thought this case would slip through the cracks like a lot of other missing persons cases.

  5. The Family Court should have NEVER given the children over to a group of sovereign citizens being watched by the damn FBI. Why didn’t anyone think that the children were in danger there? Grandma is NUTS.

    1. ​@@courtneyderouenThe judge more than likely got a report of approval from The Department of Human Services that the placement was safe and well vetted. The DHS is more than likely the agencies that allowed this.

  6. It’s so senseless. How could they even think they’d be able to do this without being caught? Those poor kids have already went through more than many of us will go through in a lifetime.

    1. That’s how we handle exchanges here … if there is any conflict, exchange at the police station. Many have pre-arranged spots just for that purpose.

    2. ​@@jayhawkjd8565
      poor thinking for sure. Exchanges at police stations, cps offices, any place others are present. Abandoned buildings in the middle of nowhere?? What could possibly go wrong?😮

    3. Police stations are great for exchanging, however the police can’t always be there to protect. Civilized people are becoming less and less everyday.

  7. This grandmother killing the mother , getting people involved in murder, the kids have no one now, and killing their mum and innocent friend? Beyond disgusting

    1. As I remember those Canadian murderers fed the victims to their pigs on the farm because the bones etc will all be consumed to rid the evidence

    1. @@Sufferingsassafrass Yes, she has FOUR kids and was a church secretary and ran all the children’s programs at the church where her husband was one of the pastors! So sad. That poor family.

  8. So what everyone thought is coming true. Killing two mothers, one trying to straighten her life out and one totally innocent, is horrific. Look at all the people, and children, affected by this criminal act!

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