As she was beginning her career as a photojournalist, Carrie Boretz shot thousands of images on the streets of New York City. One of those images, she realized years later, was of Etan Patz and his family. Etan's face and name became famous in the worst way, after the little boy disappeared on the way to school on May 25, 1979. His body was never found and the day he vanished is now known as National Missing Children's Day. #InsideEdition
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…Is it bad that I dont know him? Much respect tho.
Game_ Changer same
Well obviously the answer is no unless you’re over 30 years old
Me three
No because IDK him either
I just now realized that today is May 25
xx_aprilthe monthYT _xx Ethan would be 46 right now
I just saw that today was May 25
xx_aprilthe monthYT _xx duh that’s why they posted this
xx_aprilthe monthYT _xx ikt
No missing child is more famous than the other
Itchybell games true
There saying he’s famous is because he’s been missing for 40 years
He’s what started the faces on the milk carton I think that’s kinda famous
Itchybell games I mean nobody wants it to be that way but sadly that’s how it goes sometimes.
ROTTWEILER They don’t mean it in a way that’s mocking what happened to him. His case is just one of the most well known cases of missing children.
Been Missing since: May 25th, 1979.
Now: May 25th 2019. *40 years :(*
40 years missing??
@@luxuriousworld6770 they said he was dead in the video
Jake Jeffries sorry I didn’t continue the vjd
Yeah it’s a little creepy
… Child wearing Playboy shirt.
Ah, simpler times.
DeadBunny69 for the white ppl
Rectro Gt here we go again bringing up race where it’s not needed
Dude 😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😂 im jp bro
DeadBunny69 exactly what I was thinking
Everybody’s worrying about the missing child and I’m right here like playboy shirt on a kid wow
everyone saying that they don’t even know who he is.. he was kidnapped in 1979, most of you weren’t born yet
dee sand8
That’s what I was thinking. I was born in 79 but growing up I remember seeing his face on milk carton
Maybe if they changed the title to “ first missing child on milk carton” get more views and less questions like that 🤔🤦🏼♀️
Still a lot of people who got killed or went missing before most of us were born we know about.. it’s weird how quiet this was
That’s true! My dad was born on 1978, one year before this and he was born in Mexico so he probably doesn’t know about it! And my Mom was 5 when it happened also in Mexico, she probably doesn’t know either!
Maybe also you?
No one cares if you “DoN’t KnoW hiM”.
You know of him now so…
Show some respect.
No need for respect. Hes clearly not the most famous missing child
Why did he poop in the bus ?man feel bad for the bus driver 😬
Jaymee McAliece doesn’t mean you cant be respectful. That kid has a family out there that could be reading these stupid comments. Saying “haha I don’t know him” is rude. No one is famous for just going missing. It’s a terrible thing that is still currently happening and shouldn’t be joked about.
gavin good.
Kadence Heslip yes you do
Before the murderer part, I had a theory that the kid was fully grown with a completely different identity. I seriously wish it was true.
i like to hold on to hope he’s still alive i mean there’s no physical evidence that he’s not. his body was never found they just have a confession.
Emilee Nedz if his body was never found then he would be under the ground right now. I don’t think he survived.
I hope the but the chances of it is negligible but I have a three theories other than that he is dead.1 he is in a hospital or some other place like that far away.
2- He is living a life somewhere else and the final he has done time travel or aliens captured him.(third one is just a joke)
Emilee Nedz A very questionable confession as well.
Me too.
He’s so cute and Innocent he did not Deserve that
Basically kids and teens and adults everyone doesn’t deserve this! No one deserves to be kidnapped :(💔💔
Croatian knight wtf?
Croatian knight.
Well that’s kinda harsh
U calling a 46 year old cute,….
Olivia SHARKEY okay stop The kid is dead We know everyone should have recognition But that doesn’t Justify the kids death
So, this man kidnapped and MURDERED a SIX year old and has been free for years after it happened.. and got 25 years in prison?
No. He got 25 years to life.
All that means is he has to spend 25 years in prison before he can apply for parole. Otherwise still a life sentence.
Sincerely Alyssa That is our justice system for you.
@@sparx180 no he stays in jail for 25 years then gets parole but if he’s denied he stays for life
@@therealcrizpyz Let us only hope it is life and no less!
Not gonna lie, but I believe most people know the missing case of Madeleine McCann more than this case?
Madeline who?-
Gamer Girl Explores probably ur not British because all British people know about Madeline McCann.
BOOYAH ! YAMAHA remember this was in the 70’s it was rly big back then
I don’t know her and I didn’t know the boy in the vid before either🤷♀️
Do you know johnbena Ramsey
Ok but why one of the kids that he was in the picture with had a playboy shirt??😂😭
It was the 70s, man.
Ikr its fire
Cause the father was a pervert, accidentally killed Etan while molesting him, and then made up a story. The mom was too calm for my liking at 2:33. Alot of the pics Etan’s father took of him were shirtless.
Because kids were cooler then.
ik lmao
Not to be rude but who lets a six year old walk alone? Am I the only one who thinks that’s way to young????
I mean yes kind of we live in a very small town were I used to Walk alone by myself to Kindergarten at like 5-6 maybe ? Might be something diffrent but if the partners felt like it was safe there
Sam Adams Exactly my thoughts! A six-year young boy alone in a town like New York.
Sam Adams it was in 1979- things were different back then
Sam Adams no
The fact he is the only one looking at the camera on the photo…
@@mxkl4463 he isn’t….
@@ThePLUG109 idk why but he gives me creepy vibes…
@@aziebdaniel4658 ur scared of a child? Lmao
@@aziebdaniel4658 but why? Does your face give people the chills?
Title: Is this the most famous missing child?
Me: Who is this….
It’s from 40 years ago it was a really big deal back then
Yeah you’re still young to know about this
Yeah i didn’t not either and I’m 6 yrs older than him.
Hm interesting Ok-
@@josh-hg4jm Lol true
I’ve never heard of him. But he didn’t deserve that.
@@ndgnatoo6677 ok
Of course you weren’t alive in 70:s
Is it just me or dose every time I see a picture of him smiling I get chills
Thank you! I know right! Children smiling creeps me out so much.
Yeah same I get chills to
Anime give me chills
ever since i was 10 and i found out he had been abducted on my birthday i’d do a prayer every birthday to come , im 15 now 🙁
That’s so thoughtful. I’m sure he’d feel very appreciative that you do that every birthday for him
That’s super sweet
Happy Birthday
thats so cute this
He was pronounced dead in 2001 but I’m pretty sure he died before that, like a few days after he got kidnapped in 1979.
Fun fact: if etan patz was still alive, he would be older than eminem.
@@iguanotorious9806 I really dont see how that is a fun fact… he would be older than alot if celebs
@@SnackZatPC 💀
He was kidnapped and killed the same day.
It’s bone chilling when you first realize you have a picture of someone, especially a young kid, who ended up going missing not long after, with nothing left behind…