NC officers team with feds to find missing children in Raleigh area

The U.S. Marshals Service announced they recovered 200 missing children as part of a nationwide investigation called Operation We Will Find You 2.

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    1. Please stop the division of Americans. That’s unless you are ready for war because that’s what hate and division leads to.

      Jesus is my Lord and Savior.
      He saved me and miraculously healed me in a Near Death Experience. He doesn’t like division of His people in His Kingdom which is soon to come. ✝️

    2. @@mimilong3817 You sound like a shill trying to stop people from investigating. We know who Epstien is and the Israeli role in it all, you can stop playing coy.

  1. Not buying this story. I appears that they are just reuniting newcomer families but they are trying to make it appear that everyone was kidnapped by some giant network.

    1. ​@@95Charlie No, that’s not what he means. Of course children should be reunited with their parents. However those resources should be used for American citizens because it’s our country and our money first.

    2. @@user-sc9tm6ed7r you think you would’ve gotten 1 cent of the money it cost to reunite those families? If our government caused those children to be separated from their parents, it’s our governments responsibility to reunite them. The government didn’t ask you or me what we thought about separating them in the first place.

    1. I heard the other from sheriff Mark lamb in Arizona it’s bout 100,000 missing children. It’s fucked up Biden stopped d.n.a testing and stopped investigations on sponsor’s

  2. WOW – – Mind Blowing How Many Children Get Snatched and Lured Away from Home or Trafficked by Their Relatives. Thank Goodness for the Centers for Missing and Exploited Children and the Federal Marshalls Services !

  3. This is great but they should have a whole division of Marshals that do nothing but look for kids. Marshals ALWAYS find who they are looking for.

  4. What information does the US Marshal’s Office have that the rest of law enforcement doesn’t? Why don’t they? WTF takes everyone else so long? Make me understand. Who’s involved with taking the kids? Something’s wrong here.

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