We need to stop talking about the things that make Americans different from each other and start honoring the things that make us the same.
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I have a dream that one day people will be treated based on the content of their character and not the color of their skin
Doesnโt exist. Even Dr. King ultimately believed it was unrealistic.
Last brother that had a dream got shot. Be careful
@@matthewdubay1180 , yeah. So did Lincoln, JFK, RFK, Gandhi, & John Lennon. Why are you assuming Passport Gaming is black? Doesn’t matter what color you are. The surest way to get shot is to say you come in peace.
They would call MLK a right wing zealot now for saying that.
@@rufuspipemos or they’d call it ” woke ”
Segregating ABDUCTED CHILDREN is something no dystopian author would come up with. It’s too ridiculous, too pointless, too authentically mad.
I think itโs because of how missing POC children are treated historically. I think missing black children are more likely to be written off as runaways.
God dang that was well put. ๐
Not when there was an extreme lack of search efforts for black children that have been taken or missing because itโs not a blonde haired white child. This was a big issue in CA and Iโm glad they have more of an effort to find these kids now.
It just changes what the police call the alert. Calm down.
It helps to actually look up the difference between an Amber Alert and an Ebony Alert instead of just believing a hack like Bill that the difference is race
“Feather Alert” is one of the most racist things I have ever heard.
Not Ebony Alert?
Red skin alert would have been less racist
@Silvio67ย Feather Alert is worse. Would you rather be referred to as Ebony or Feather? There’s a magazine called Ebony Magazine.
@@BigPhatManIndian’s have their own magazine, it’s called Wiskey Monthly.
โ@@alexvega7893 ummm do you know any native people? I have native family and nobody finds the term feather alert offensive but everybody agrees red skin is
George Carlin said the exact same thing regarding national/ethnic pride. Those things are all a product of chance and we never had to work for it.
Amen, “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it”.
@@totallybored5526 I think the point is that “your community” is not perceived as the actual people you live and work with, but rather an imaginary group of people who share the same identity checkboxes you check off. This is generally connected to keeping “your community” pure and throw all the people out who do not check the correct boxes.
Accepting your actual community members as they are, but still trying to improve is certainly a good thing.
George Carlin also said that voting was meaningless and that this country was bought and sold for a long time ago.
โ@totallybored5526 it’s a thin gap between ” my community” and ” my heritage”
@@luna-hw9li The trick today is to accept everyone in your ‘community’ & while I don’t think it is as racially divided as it used to be, it IS far more classist & as usual, those at the top keep those in the middle hating & fighting with those at the bottom. It used to be based on gender, race, sexuality & nationality, but these days it is just about social & financial status.
Bill is at his very best, and relatable, when he is criticizing his own party.
Completely on point here.
I don’t actually think he means to criticize his own party. But the Democrat party is nothing like they used to be! And every time you vote Democrat now, you are voting for these insane policies that continue to divide us all. You are not actually voting for the “person” anymore in the Democrat party.
Are you kidding? You have people in so called Red States who don’t believe Biden is president as he goes into his 4th year as president, and that the Dems kidnap children, kill them and drink their blood. Bill can go take a swinging leap. He should be pointing out the crazies at every chance he gets. What identity do these loonies come under?
You mean telling the truth. With no bias or slant to the left.
globetards on biblical earth
I’ll bet. Diversity you can support.
You can love your own culture, heritage or ancestry without hating someone elseโs!
Very true!
Not if you’re white, you can’t.
And- itโs a happy day that says โeveryoneโs Irish on St Patrickโs Dayโ – itโs a reason to party and thatโs good enough! ๐
And you can be allowed to have the same diverse political views and values as anyone else of any identity.
I think the point is it’s more important to have a shared American identity. Wanna be Irish? Go to Ireland. Want to be African? Go to Africa. If you want to be American, of course you can hold on to some parts of your old culture, but not all. The cohesion of the country is dependent on our shared culture being greater than our differences. That’s the point. So while one can of course enjoy a beer or two on spd, we should focus on creating a shared culture for people to assimilate to.
I dream for the day when we can all finally judge each other just by the content of our character, and not by the color of our skin – just like Martin Luther King Jr. himself dreamt of!
Mr. King was also a massive socialist who believed in black people getting reparations. Stop inducing his name without knowing his history. Lol
how much more could we accomplish if we did not judge?
Yeah, good luck with that.
I guess with the Amber alerts, Ebony alerts and Feather alerts we can select which ones we care about? Is that their message.
Yes I only care about the normal alerts
We have always cared more about amber getting abducted than ebony. Just saying.
@@Far7romMaybe to you.
@workman88ย one of my favorite comedy skits of all time is by one of the greatest comedians. Patrice O’Neal. HE talks about people going missing.. and how long they would be searched for. Based on race. He mentions Natalie holloway..I’m sure you remember that name… white girl.. aruba.. she was unalived by a guy named vandersloot..they spent $3 million to try to find her.. $3 million… but he did the same thing to a non white girl.. nobody even knows that girls name.. nobody cared…
but natalie was world wide news.. name one mising blk girl who the state spent 3 million to find. Or was national news from being missing..
I’ll wait ๐
so no.. it’s not just to me..
@workman88ย no. It’s a fact… google “Patrice O’Neal natalie holloway” He tackles this subject so honestly. It’s one of my favorite comedy bits ever…
“The girl in aruba.. whats her name? (Whole crowd) NATALIE. HOLLOWAY…they spent 3million trying to find natalies. Vandersloot also did the same.thing to a non whitr girl in Peru. Whats her name again.. (whole crowd)
Name.a blk.girl that went missing.. and 3million was spent to find her.
I’m so happy that he talked about the complete and utter ridiculous idea of segregating missing children. Whoever agreed to and signed off on that needs to be fired yesterday.
CA, theyre the worst run state.
โ@aanon5716 well its like one big ghetto where its lawless , dirty and full of hookers and addicts. But it’s what the people want?
Is it supposed to help people ignore the ones they don’t care about?
Canada spent $4B on missing Native Women and a discussion how to prevent this going forward. Do you think 1 person was found and arrested to this inquiry? I have not heard 1 person being arrested due to the inquiry.
My father who was born in Italy use to argue with his nephews that he wasn’t Italian, he was an American. They claimed to be Italian Americans and were born in the USA!!!!
You dad is right, although ha can claim to be a hyphenated American.
Maher is a bigot-american
My dad said Italians were like blacks way back then (my dad died 30 years ago) literally that how Italians were treats back East?!๐ณ๐ญ
Cool story bro
@@bonniejosavland3227 All new immigrants were treated that way throughout history, then it takes the second born in America generation to start blending in and,
conforming. ๐
“Well, let me tell you something my Kraut-Mick friend.”
Class not race! Been saying this for years as a white guy with black and asian family. We all went from lower middle class to upper middle class by hard work, saving, and education.
Needs to be said over and over thank you..
I was a little surprised that bill kinda sorta sounded like a marxist for a second. I know that probably wasnโt a point you were trying to make, but I agree that itโs a class not racial divide for the majority of us
You’re 1 bitcoin away from entering the upper class mate ๐
Depending on the city race is a big problem too. History.
Agreed, brothers and sisters
Kenya, 1973, myself British and my American wife both teaching near Mombasa. We had a visit from some black American students from Harvard, who were coming “home” to Africa. The reception from black Kenyans was NOT what they expected, who considered them culturally and linguistically “Americans”, who just happened to be black. The Americans were surprised and disillusioned, and then went off to Tanzania, to seek a warmer “welcome home” there.
In my neighborhood used to live an OLD black man. One day I heard him talk. He soke like a Cuban. IMMEDIATELY I stopped seeing him as black. He was a Latin with a tan. In the A-Team movie the crazy pilot started to talk with an African accent to an African customs agent and they clicked immediately. Black or white didn’t matter, they were from the same place.
Honestly I’m a black American with many Irish friends ive been to Ireland ๐ฎ๐ช 2 times and loved it . I would marry an irish woman in a heartbeat and live in Ireland ๐ฎ๐ช its a beautiful country. โค
It’s overrated
Iโm from the US and Iโve always wanted to visit. It looks beautiful on TV, but I doubt that does it any justice.
I agree. As a person in a mixed race relationship, we sometimes worry that our future children will be forced to “pick a side” when it comes to identity and racial politics/relations and feel alienated. Why do we need to segregate children? Why does our understanding of race need to be so rigid? Why can’t people just be who they are?
That’s ALL demoncRats have!
That’s a fun question, considering Maher hates queer teens and is racist.
Every mixed Race kid I grew up with were all messed up in the head and they wished their parents picked someone of the same heritage instead of different
Your future children will learn racism in Democrat ran public schools. My kind, innocent child went to Kindergarten where she learned to become obsessed about skin color (something she never recognized or paid attention to before) & the concept of treating people differently because of the color of their skin. She came home traumatized. Then I caught her segregating her lego figures by the color of their skin. I was (and still am) LIVID that the public school took away my child’s innocence. I’d sue if I had the funds. Democrats have permanently lost our votes.
Because humans are social animals and build groups for survival, which is something hardcoded into the human being. There is also natural competition hardcoded into humans. Competition for better social status, resources and mates. This leads compulsorily to competition and conflict between the groups that humans build. It’s not others people fault for not accepting your future children, these people are just normal human beings. It’s your fault for producing children in a situation which puts their future into jeopardy.
Here i am a Conservative finding common ground with Bill because we are indeed all united in the madness of 2024
Itโs a clown world bro, absolute clown world
We have way more in common than we think. But politically skewed divisive media doesn’t want us to know that. They just want us to watch our favorite brand of ‘news’ so we can stop thinking and start hating our fellow Americans from the other side of the aisle. Keeps us under control, keeps us watching, and the fear means we will consume more. Win-win-win for them.
Identity politics keeps a whole lot of folks employed in “leadership” positions!
Divide and conquer… oldest trick in the book.
From the 80s!
Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.
Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, we have deficits? Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, we have inflation and high taxes?
You and I don’t propose a federal budget. The president does. You and I don’t have the constitutional authority to vote in appropriations. The House of Representatives does. You and I don’t write the tax code. The Congress does. You and I don’t set fiscal policy. the Congress does. You and I don’t control monetary policy. The Federal Reserve Bank does.
One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices – 545 human beings out of 238 million- are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.
I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Bank because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered but private central bank.
I exclude all of the special interest and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman or a president to do one cotton-picking thing. I don’t care if they offer a politician $1 million in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it.
No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator’s responsibility to determine how he votes.
Don’t you see now the con game that is played on the people by the politicians? Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault.They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.
Well said
you’re just describing democracy. In ancient athens, athenian voters voted in more and more government positions until half the voters had government jobs. Then they invaded Sicily and Egypt to pay for those government workers. They didn’t have any identity politics.
Love it. Every time an application asks my race, I check other and write in human. Been doing this for 30+ years!
Love that
Do you get a job this way
Me, too! Since 1974 with NY first job.
@@trentzulkiewicz5700 these days, nopeโฆ if you check white or other, application goes right in the trash
This is a jewel. It makes me happy. Thank you Bill Maher.
“The real issue is class not race” – Thank you Bill!
Been saying this for a few years now ๐๐๐
back to communism!
Woah, bill’s a communist? I figured he was right-wing but this is only the 3rd video of his Ive seen
probably one of the best new rules of the year. Nicely done Bill.