1. Thank god from someone who had to survive my own family by hitting streets at age 12 thank god your all doing this amen hallelujah. Great job thank you all for noticing

  2. God help these recovered children and those still out there. Exploiting children is one of the worst crimes out there. Kudos to law enforcement and keep saving the children.

    1. Not enough did you look at their faces they are millions of children and people on the trafficking and Our country is Much into it

    1. Tim Ballard is being investigated for fraud . Research it.
      Arizona is main destination and transit point for child sex and hard labor, Tucson is headquarters 6584 N Oracle Rd.
      Research Myths and facts about women and children sex trafficking. This is happening in every state, community and neighborhood.

    2. Tim Ballard is being investigated for fraud . Never rescued anyone.
      Research Myths and facts about women and children sex trafficking . This is happening in every state, community and neighborhood.
      Arizona is main destination and transit point for child sex and hard labor, Tucson is headquarters 6584 N Oracle Rd. Be safe

  3. That’ wonderful New’s – Thank God for all the Caring Officers that went looking for them and found so many..Hopefully the all have good homes to go home to or find them a loving home.

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