PARK RANGER Reveals Terrifying Secret Within Yosemite National Park

Todays episode goes over some missing persons and strange accounts located just within yosemite national park





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What Lurks Beneath is a channel focused on true scary stories and true horror stories, I cover the supernatural cryptids, bigfoot, dogman and scary mysteries. In this channel, you'll find storytelling of the unkown, the supernatural and the paranormal. If you enjoy shows like Unsolved Mysteries or Paranormal Witness, you'll enjoy What Lurks Beneath


  1. I go hiking in a local woodsy reservation with my dog all the time. A few years ago in the winter of 2018 while walking we were about a mile maybe a half mile to the parking lot. I felt I was being watched and when I looked up I seen a huge wolf watching us from the top of a cliff. This Cliff was maybe 40 feet high not very big. This wolf was huge and I have seen wolves up close before at sanctuaries and zoos. This wolf was nothing like those wolf. This one looked almost double in size and had unnaturally huge muscles and very pronounced features almost cartoonish in a way but terrifying. I quickly broke eye contact as fast as I could after staring at him cuz I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I scooped my little 8 lb dog up slipped on my furry Hood to try to look bigger and kind of stomped out of there making coughing noises to try an look bigger. All the while expecting at any second I’ll be attacked and eaten. So relieved I made it out of there I went right to the ranger station told them what I seen and they said there was no wolfs in this Woods it must have been a coyote trying make me feel like I was crazy.
    I know this isn’t a Bigfoot story or werewolf but this thing was mutant I know it was I seen it and feel it in my gut.

    1. There is a bear mange problem across the U.S. Look up pics. Could it have been a bear with mange? It can make them skinny, grey, etc.

    2. @@shaymich2395 bro what he described is nothing like a bear with mange. Lol especially since alot of Wolf breeds are actually quite big and he said this one was bigger than those. That’s saying it’s easily bigger than a brown bear and probably in the range of a grizzly. He said it looked crazily muscular, a bear with mange is usually sick and dont look muscular at all. So most definitely not a bear with mange. Though honestly he probably didn’t actually see what he described anyhow.

    3. @@mfnenke8160 I actually don’t talk about this very much mostly because the way it sounds and the way people react just as you said. I only shared here because I thought it would be okay and I want to know if anyone else has ever seen something similar. But I get it you don’t have to believe me.✌

    4. @@kristinmary4025 Wasn’t trying to offend you. This is the perfect place to share your story. It’s just of course I’m going to be skeptical. I do believe weird stuff happens in the woods, that can’t be explained yet. I mean its more than a coincidence that a large amount of people have similar stories of sightings and stuff all the time to have every one of them to be fake or lies. Still till you have the experience happen to you it’s hard to believe the word of someone you don’t know.

    1. I hope you have a firearm. I’ve camped and hiked in Yosemite and wouldn’t be without a firearm, regardless of what any archaic law dictates. Protect yourself.

  2. P.S. when hiking in a group, do not allow people to fall behind (no stragglers) or take a different path, not ever (pair up, keep track of one another while staying together as a group). If you must answer the call of nature, the entire group stops and your paired up partner stays close to you. Many of these points/rules seem childish to the inexperienced hiker, but experienced hikers will understand & agree. Again, many hikers, 1000’s, have gone missing in Nat’l. Parks. This IS completely avoidable if you follow these certain basic rules.

    1. Is it smart when hiking in a group to have like a rope or something everyone is attached to with a bell or something? Or is that not a good idea if you need to get out of dodge. I’ve been hiking maybe twice before but never in a group

    2. A super hi-powered military grade flash light will blind any predator in a painful, but not detrimental, manner. It is more effective than a gun that can misfire, or miss its target. The blinding laser like light will immobilize most predators—especially at night—but definitely during the day. Also, on a trail, especially if your alone, make your presence known to any potential predators by using an ear piercing whistle whenever you feel watched or in danger. Finally, have a walking stick and and tap the ground in front of of you; by doing this you alert snakes and other slithering life forms of your presence so they can avoid being stepped on or preyed upon. One more final warning: never walk down a narrow trail bordered with embankments: you become easy bait for predators to pounce down upon. A mountain lion has a 25 foot jump length. They are more dangerous than an occasional rabid, hybrid wolf/bear.

  3. I’ve never had an encounter with any kind of cryptid but I am a firm believer that there’s a lot more to this world than what is widely known or accepted by mainstream science.

    1. Even if I hadnt had any experiences, and living in the wooded areas of Washington state I have, I would still be hesitant to disbelieve cryptids exist. We don’t know everything about our world, people that say ” that’s impossible because whatever reason” are just narrow-minded. There are places in the world that are untouched and old, we don’t know what’s out there.

    2. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 for start, we, the humans, can see and hear only a small percent of spectrum of the world around us, I know that for hearing is from 20hz to 20khz (in person with perfect hearing abilities) but there are sounds for example that some animals use for echolocation, but we can’t hear them, they have to sound somehow, it the completely same principles we don’t see things that don’t belong in our capabilities spectrum, that damn sure don’t mean that something is not there, just because you can’t see it. On same level, when you walk and there is no wind, you can’t feel the existence of the air that is everywhere around you. I would describe the seeing’s of strange things simply on that example. When there is no wind, or you don’t move fast enough, you can’t feel the existence of the air. So, there have to be some catalyst like wind or certain speed of movement for person to feel the existence of the air. I strongly believe that when someone sees something that he/she can’t explain, just means that some or many factors came in the right place/frequency/whatever (presumably much more complicated, more of factors in the same time, and which are astronomical rarely achieved happen, it allows some windows, portals, rips in the fabric of universe, glimpse in some other places and/or realities)

  4. Years ago my two sisters were getting ready to go camping in a tent in some woods down the road from our home in Florida, and before they left, I started getting a very unnerving feeling in my gut about it. I had gotten a premonition, that a strange balding man with glasses, driving a white van, felt like a dangerous human being and perhaps would follow them. Well my sisters didn’t listen to me, thinking I was just being paranoid, and I just kept pleading with them not to go. Once they left anyway, I just started praying real hard for their safety, as my gut feeling of something bad might happen to them, was screaming at me! About twenty or thirty minutes later they showed back up at our home, all in a panic then told me what happened after they had left. Turned out they went and stopped at a convenience store to pick up snacks before heading across the road to the woods, before going camping and they said to me “Omg, what you said to us, was true!”

    They told me how they stopped at the Farm store. (For those of you not familiar with that store, it’s a small chain convenience store located I believe, mostly on the east coast.) Anyhow, they said the description I gave of a balding man wearing glasses, sure enough had pulled up in a white van, and the man noticed them in the store and was acting strangely. He started following them around in it, and watching them. They said they were so freaked out, and left in a hurry, and made sure to not go straight home, in case he would follow them and then know where we lived. Some people might say maybe the guy was harmless, but I believe when you get a bad gut feeling about a person, listen to it! This is a true story, and I’m always reminded of that night when I see stories like this here on Youtube. I believe in the paranormal, but I’m more afraid of the living. There’s real evil in this world among humans, always watch your back, and don’t venture off alone especially being a woman! Let people know where you’re going and always be aware of your surroundings!

    1. Great Story and hope that this experience always reminds you to continue listening to your “Instincts” & Premonitions. I’ve learned the hard way not listening to my own but never will do so again. Ever.

  5. I worked and lived in Yosemite for 7 years. The first instance you mentioned in the Hetch Hetchy Valley isn’t all that bizarre. Contrary to what you stated, that area of the park is actually very remote and trail maintenance is often very neglected. People go missing their quite frequently. However, I’d urge you to look into Pate Valley as there are a lot of strange occurrences that happen there that are easily obtainable through NPS records.

  6. I once saw a strange wolf on the D-1 highway in Czechoslovakia around 1992. I was driving from Prague to Brno late at night around 23:00 during a snowfall and almost no cars were on the highway. I was near the exit for Jihlava and this unnaturally large wolf was standing directly in the middle of the highway! I slowed down a lot, and drove around it, observing it while it observed me. At no time did it change position, and I knew it wasn’t a dog because it had a triangular face and was much too large for a dog. From my rear view miror I could see a car behind me also slow down, and drive around it. The whole experience was frightening because wild animals don’t behave like that.

  7. I grew up in the mountains. It’s weird bc there’s like a legitimate difference between feeling watched by an animal/person and being watched by something else. I’ve only ever experienced this a few times but still it’s unnerving. Like a feeling of dread, like something bad is going to happen if you don’t get away

    1. Is it that thing were the winds stop, Sound stops and sometimes there is a cloud formation that would appear out of no where and things become unnaturally dark?

    2. Yup had this experience recently at a place I frequently hike I was there alone and I only took a few steps onto the trail and I had this terrible feeling and I literally turned around hesitated for a moment and then ran back to my car and left.
      Can’t explain what it was just something came over me that there was something not right.

  8. In Oregon I was driving away from the Multnomah Falls area on the back roads and I drove right by a huge horse-looking being that was poised on the side of the road, looking straight out at me as I drove past. It looked like a dark figure, no color anywhere. It had no definition of a face, and a really round head. It was huge – it was at least 8ft tall. I remember thinking “did I just really see that? Oh, I did. That was really real.” I was so confused and/or shocked I didn’t know how to process it, and I have completely forgot about it until I started hearing stories about unknown creatures this month. This is the first time I’m sharing this. Now it kind of makes more sense what I saw…

    1. It was at dusk. I didn’t get a detailed look at it because I was driving, but I remember the general shape. It was looking straight-on towards the road, so I didn’t see it’s side@@Obsidian_Joe

    2. I’m in the area too. A friend told me the other night that a while back she saw a black-haired Bigfoot on Sauvie Island. About 8-10 feet tall. Crossed the road right in front of her, in only a few steps. You might’ve seen one too.

    3. I’m here to tell you that’s a Sasquatch. Lots of sightings in that area there’s even one at the Falls. Sighting actually occurred in the parking lot in the middle of winter if I remember right, not sure about that part. They can walk straight up back on top of the cliffs overlooking the gorge. Right along the sandy River. There’s lots of action too. No giant Horsemen probably bad lighting. You’re actually really lucky to see one.

    4. What I submit here could be interpreted as being accusatory or making fun of you. I assure you it is not. I just want to add a humorous event that involved seeing something out of the ordinary.

      Back in the 80’s (during my heavy partying days) I was smoking weed semi-regularly and had experimented with LSD. One Friday or Saturday night, I had dropped some acid and smoked some weed at a friends house about six miles from mine. It wasn’t real strong LSD and I didn’t smoke a lot of weed and although we’d say today that I was too impaired to drive. But I took lots of chances then and that night was one of those times.

      Note to readers: My luck ran out a decade later when I got arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. So, if you like your booze, don’t be as dumb as I was and get behind the wheel. You could hurt or kill yourself or someone else.

      Back to my recollection. The road I was taking at one point went beneath a two-lane highway. About 50 to 60 yards away I saw a large white horse standing still under the overpass. I rained lightly that day and in my silly mood, I thought “this is some good s**t because I’m seeing Pegasus” and merrily made my way home without incident.

      My sister has always been involved with the equine community and a couple of days later I had the chance to tell her about my trip. Ever the pragmatic and sensible lady, she said “You idiot. That wasn’t good s**t, you saw a real horse that’s notorious for escaping the barn you must have driven past about a thousand times.”

  9. My grandfather once got lost and was very dehydrated at Yosemite after deciding to head back to the lodge alone while the rest of my family was hiking. He was found by a park ranger wandering around and confused, and while my family jokes about it now (he was very fond of hiking so stuff like this didn’t usually happen to him), it was certainly scary at the time. It’s definitely not weird to me that stuff like this happens all the time, it could have had a very different outcome if he went a different direction, since he was confused enough to wander off the path.

  10. As someone who was born and raised in Sonora ca (right next to Yosemite) I know they’re are some creepy stuff. No one goes walking at night by themselves up there and everyone’s like oh because of bears or lions. No. It’s easy to scare those off. There’s a lot of things we can’t explain. Just don’t go out at night. Don’t go off by yourself and stick to the trail. I’ve seen some stuff hiking on my property. Legit on opposite side of the mountain that Yosemite is on. I was walking around when I was young climbing trees etc etc. and when I was climbing down one time it felt like I was being watched. And I heard foot steps so I looked down thinking my brother was with me. I saw a pair of antlers and thought oh it was a deer so I broke a branch off and threw it at it and it didn’t move and deer are very skittish. So I just sat in the tree. Not wanting to go down because it was matting season and male deer get very aggressive. But eventually it did leave but so fast it looked like a blur. If I had blinked at that moment it’d have appeared as if it was never there. Ever since then I’ve believed in cryptids. And I only went out with friends into the woods.

    A lot of people believe in the skinwalkers of Yosemite that live there

    1. Go to a NA elder, and they will tell you stories, legends really, of these “skinwalkers”, these evil shaman/witch doctors, can do evil things and in exchange of those evil deeds, they are granted shifting abilities into someone/something that they have hurt/killed. They steal that individuals, whether human or animal, skin and “walk” in the skin of that person or thing, but it’s not exactly a replica of the original, more like a copy of that.

      Also, I didn’t believe in Dogman/Werewolves until I heard this story from a NA elder who told me that she had of when she was a young girl, she would periodically see a giant Wolf/dog creature outside her family compound. And it would just walk through their woods at night, howling, and their father told them it was a bad and sometimes good spirit that walked the forests and only would attack those that deserved it. At least, that’s the story she was told, but the only time she believed it was evil and not good, that it had malicious intent toward her, was when she saw it out of her window staring into her window, and even tried to open and climb in the room, she began to say a prayer to the spirits to protect her, it was as if it heard her prayer, and stopped, and then growled and just stomped off into the woods.

      It never came that close again to their compound. Very creepy. I believed her story, and I do believe in some forests, there are certain groups of animals, monsters really, that may be out there that government knows about and didn’t want to acknowledge that fact.

  11. I had an unusual experience up past the dam there in 2008. My partner and I walked through the tunnel to the trails. After hiking a while I ended up alone and I sat down on a rock. Then I felt strange. The wind stopped, time stopped Another time we both stopped to sit under a bridge by a creek. We started to pick up rocks and began making a dam. I do not know why we did it. Neither of us spoke at all. Time got away from us and we realized we sat there two hours. Only a few feet apart but neither of us spoke about what we were doing and at the time it seemed perfectly natural. After I read missing 411 I now know we slipped into some mysterious trance. (and no we were not on drugs). We were just “working” Moving these rocks to create a pool/dam so the water did not flow through well. It was peaceful and relaxing and made NO sense at all. We never spoke about it after.

    1. I solo backpacked out there in 2022, and though I didn’t SEE anything, to make a long story short that night, I told the universe, or whatever, that if I were allowed to leave in the AM, I promised I would not ever come back. I live in Tuolumne County.

    2. One time me and my best friend were passing through a road in front of a Himalayan Diety Temple we went completely silence for 10 minutes and after that only one thought came in both of our minds ==== We will do something for the temple if we make something of our life ❤️. My friend is a addict I consider myself good will visit next year and do Something 👍❤️💯☺️☺️☺️☺️

  12. I built a cabin in the foothills of the Blue Mountains in Oregon years ago. It sat near a beautiful bend in the river in a deep canyon. Towards the end of the day you could often feel “It” watching you. (getting the goose bumps as I type this and remember). As the sun sunk over the ridge and the evening shadows began to fall a feeling of doom would start to settle in, the hair would start to stand up on the back of my neck. When it was time to quit working for the day, or sometimes a little sooner, I literally ran for my work van to get out of there, even leaving tools out over night. I never saw anything – just felt it.
    This was on the Umatilla Indian reservation’s eastern border and it always made me think there might be some interesting history connected to this place.

  13. Missing 411 for the best cases, THOUSANDS of cases world wide, 3 movies, 10 books, as well as a state by state series too. Best research and best cases

  14. We were as a huge group walking through one of Yosemite’s trails to mirror lake. There were a ton of tourist coming and going and it was in broad daylight. Right then and there another tourist told us that we walked right past a mountain lion which was standing right behind the bushes watching us. 😳

    1. Yosemite is full full full of cougars and black bears. Anytime, anywhere, you see deer or elk, there are predators near. Remember that and be alert.

  15. I’m reading a book from the 1800’s called Fairy Faith in Celtic countries. The author brings up Yosemite and an informant of his working w the Madoc Indians(may be dif tribe). Apparently there was the same type of phenomenon like the Sidhe from Ireland etc. Kidnapping people, making them lost, appearing as different daimons, etc. The Indians claimed there was a malevolent race of invisible beings who despised humans at Yosemite. From my research every country and people had this same phenomenon go on. It seems it was quite common even a couple hundred years ago and then it kind of faded out. Maybe has to do a light or electromagnetic spectrum. But I think we’re headed back into an era where our realities are going to be more aware of each other’s again.

    1. You’ve captured my very thoughts, it really does feel like the realms of matter and the realms of imagination are going to cross as they once did, which is where most of these myths and legends came from before.

    2. @@dlwf11111 have you seen the documentary from Iceland on fairies etc? It’s called Investigation into the invisible world. I’ve found it on YouTube for free. It’s very interesting.

    3. I know this will sound crazy. But …if there ancient, tall, malevolent beings…could they be descendants of giants? The fallen Angel/hybrid race?

    4. @@elizabethgrant9833 or the jinn in the Koran. Clearly a lot of the ancient texts have info about these liminal entities.

  16. I saw one of these shadow creatures in broad daylight in the woods in Northern California when I was about 9 years old. It ran without making noise at a speed that no human could run at. At one point it was within 10 yards of me. Me of the scariest moments of my life.

    1. @@Obsidian_Joe it looked like a human but every feature of it was jet black, like it was sucking in all light and no features were visible despite it being in the middle of the day.

      When my mom was a teenager she saw a black figure on the same property that moved the way you described “Kevin’s cutouts in Home Alone”. When she saw it it was floating in a wide open area no more than 15 yards from her illuminated by the light of a full moon. It was jet black with a human shaped body. It floated maliciously for several minutes, piercing her with what felt like telepathically transmitted hate until it simply vanished into thin air.

      So on this same property separated by about twenty years my Mom and I saw both versions of what you’re talking about. Neither of them had what could be described as cloaks/clothes. They were faceless jet black human figures who pulled in all light and reflected none back.

  17. I was up in Sedona and went on a hike on my own in the woods just north of Slide Rock Park. I started jogging through the woods on an empty hiking trail and suddenly felt eerie and unsafe so I turned around to go back to my car. Not sure if there was a real threat but I think my instincts told me to turn back for whatever reason. Hiking on my own felt like a bad idea. Whether it be the danger of human predators or otherwise: Don’t hike alone, ladies!

    1. I was a camp host in oak creek canyon. Had campers complain about things at night in the campground. Not human complaints. Never heard the results of night vision being used by authorities at night

  18. There’s a guy who claims to have seen a cryptid by the exact same description. I believe his story, the way he tells it is so authentic.

  19. We hiked to a high desert lake, two young women. We passed no one. When we returned, same trail, about 2 hours later, draped across the trail, deliberately, was a beheaded rattlesnake. We kept sensing someone or something was following us. We finally became unnerved, hated doing this, but ran all out for our truck. We couldn’t get inside fast enough. We left, not wanting to see if we could see what had been behind us.

    1. Friend SWEARS that there are Sasquatch near her holiday cottage, Northern Ontario, and that they do weird stuff including leaving “gifts”, often snakes, often decapitated and laid out completely straight, often two or three at a time, or worse, tied together in a knot. They also, she claims, leave tied grasses and stripped twigs in knots, rocks lined up, and sometimes shiny stuff, like bits of metal garbage like pop can tabs or wire.
      I pointed out crows and ravens are known to “gift” things to people, but I can not account for the symmetry of arrangement nor the knots.
      She leaves them apples, lettuce, nuts, and sometimes other snacks. She has never seen them but claims to have felt and heard them.
      She is not under the care of a therapist nor taking any drug.

    2. @@lesliemccormick6527 any time when people talk about communicating with sasquatch in any way…I take the story with a grain of salt……imagine hearing swedish for the first time and listening to it for years without translation….you would not have a clue what was being said….if there are encounters, then set up a trail cam….I have heard tree knocking with a witness….but I only admit to hearing tree knocking

    3. @@olgatempel3466 I tend to err on the skeptical side myself, however, not everyone has funds for trail cams.
      Plus, if Sasquatch are a species of great ape, I submit this for your consideration:
      Trail cams are set up where Chimpanzee, Orangutan and Silverback Gorilla are KNOWN to be- and RARELY, if ever, are they caught on camera. One explanation researchers have for this is that they can spot the change or anomaly in their environment, hear the cameras working or see the light they emit, possibly smell them, and thus purposefully avoid them.
      The other thing is that even in zoos or at game farms, people taking photos of great apes have had much consternation to discover that their photos tend to be distinctly blurry or fuzzy. Ditto other hairy creatures such as bear.
      Again, odd.
      In any case, as a younger person I and another person were in the woods up far up a mountain not far from where we lived in Lillooet. We heard and smelled very strange things but never saw anything, though we both felt very queer and nauseated, and were suddenly overcome with fear. Shortly thereafter we were inundated with several thrown objects: pinecones, twigs, stones and eventually fist sized rocks. We fled, and had the impression of being chased or followed. Again all data was auditory only.
      Being youthful, we thought “bear!”
      However, consider:
      A bear would have shown itself, and bears do not hurl objects.
      We had been in a clearing; my companion had nailed flattened tin cans to several trees as targets for his BB gun.
      Nailing and knocking are similar. While he was doing so, we heard a delayed “echo” and thought, “Oh, wow, cool echo!”
      This was 1978.
      Nowadays, with the proliferation of Sasquatch hunting television shows, if I were in the woods in the midst of nowhere halfway up a mountain in the interior of BC as I was then and heard tree knocking, I’d think “human”, first.
      At the time, however, Sasquatch was hardly a topic of discussion, and the idea of wood knocking was virtually unknown until many, many years later.

      Also, many animals employ infrasound to stun and confound other creatures.
      Tigers, for example, do this.

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