We explore the notorious abandoned NORTH FOX ISLAND while searching for answers in the unsolved OAKLAND COUNTY CHILD MURDERS. This is one of the craziest things we've ever done on this channel and my passion project. In this video we explore pedophile rings, injustice, serial killers and all sorts of disturbing true crime stories. Get ready to get REALLY dark. You're watching, "THE PARANORMAL FILES".
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This is one of the most disturbing, darkest videos we’ve ever filmed. And this took across all across America in pursuit of the truth, however disturbing it may be. This video was so important to me that I even hired a guy to compose custom music for it! LOL. This was my passion project and I’m really glad that y’all joined to watch the video tonight. Get ready to learn something disturbing, and get ready to face the harsh, dark truths of the world.
“North Fox Island”
I’m so excited for you Colin, a new house, this premier and so close to 1 million subs from all over the world
Bravo my friend<><><><>
“North Fox Island” i have liked & shared
North Fox Island 🏝️
North Fox Island
North Fox Island, so glad you are talking about trafficking! My best friend from high school was trafficked by a girl she thought she could trust, we all thought she moved. When in reality she was stuck in Minneapolis for a year being passed around to god knows who. She was able to get out and now lives a great life with a 3 year old son.
I’m so sorry to hear this ❤️🩹 truly terrifying!!!
That’s horrific and truly disturbing. I’m glad she got out and is safe.
North Fox Island
North Fox Island
That’s awful, so glad she got away from it.
1973 I was 12 w my then 16 year old sister. We were exploring an island from a canoe. We heard someone walking in bushes. Every fiber of my soul took flight w my sisters hand to the canoe and back to mainland. When I heard of this place. I just “ KNEW “ we narrowly escaped this.
This island is 20 miles from the mainland?
I’m sorry, but because you heard something in the woods, it doesn’t mean you were narrowly abducted.
@highbread817 the human intuition is a thing
The FBI never took the dogs to the island. Makes you wonder how high up it goes…
all the way to the top! as always with these sorts of things.
Looking at the way the cabin looked clean, it’s a scary thought that this island could still be in use.
Also the way the device said “France”, “Irish”, and “Amsterdam”. Considering these men were powerful, I suspect there are kids kidnapped and brought there from outside the US.
Smells of Franklin child prostitution ring in Omaha Nebraska. I have a strong feeling it’s connected since they where operating at the same time which would make it a national pedophile ring. Who knows they’re probably still operating just shifted locations.
It go’s very high. Child trafficking is the biggest money maker in the black market.
The alphabet agency are OK with selling drugs to fund their black projects, what else would they be OK with.
Top down?
I’m in tears. Thank you for making this documentary. Those poor poor children. It’s so awful that no one has been held accountable for this horror.
They won’t look into it because it will expose the coverup they did
They didn’t make this doc but I’m glad they’re replaying it!
This video hit home for me big time. I was basically stockier than most kids because I was into gymnastics and boxing. That is probably the only reason I maneuvered away from being molested. When I went to BOYS CLUB CAMP this counselor had his hands in front of his & above his private parts. He was telling all the kids to come pet the squirrel. One look and I knew what was going on. It was his pubic hair and all the kids were going up and petting it.
I was 10 years old. I recognized what was happening and I ran from there. They caught me running down the highway to my house which was 20 to 30 miles away. I went to the camp with 2 of my brothers. All three of us went for years. (1970’s )
They had a cabin with two sides, and my brother was in the other side, and I asked the counselor if I could talk to him & he said no.
He had a high school ring on and he turned it around and hit me on top of the head with it and again I took off running down the highway . On another occasion, I don’t directly remember what happened but they pissed me off again and I climbed a tree and I watched them looking for me for hours. One time in my life when I was 18 or so, I got a ride late at night from this guy & we went to his house and we were sitting there and he asked me to lay down with him , and just prior he asked me if I wanted to have a drink, and I said no cause I thought in my head, he could poison me or drug me. I asked him to take me back to where he picked me up and he did. I guess I got lucky. But unfortunately, I regret it now, but I went back to that house with my friends and broke every window in his house and got away with it until now cause I got a big mouth. Lol
I guess I was pretty smart in someways when I was younger because it save me from being molested & a life of misery.
I hated going to that camp. I’m 63 years old now and I have three sons and I told everybody if anybody ever touches one of my kids they will meet their maker very quick. One thing I can’t stand is somebody that’s a sex weirdo. My wife overdosed in 2006 and I have been with nobody since because I don’t have any disease and I don’t want one. my father was a weirdo. He molested my two sisters and that had a big effect on my life. He was basically paid back by God. He had a stroke and all kinds of troubles medically. His penis got infected and they had to remove most of it so that’s how he got paid back. He died at 53 years old. Believe it or not it’s still goes on everywhere to this day. We live in a sick whacked out world for sure.
I’m so sorry. That’s horrific. But you’ve proved your strength in the fact that you’re still here today with an amazing family!
You must be from Massachusetts.
Why did you say you must be from Massachusetts? Just wondering as I’m from Massachusetts 😅
I’m so very sorry, I’m 59 and I count myself lucky because I was basically abandoned as a child but nothing worse than that happened.
Thanks for sharing. 😢
Jon Benet Ramsey’s grandfather being connected is WILD
@CMclare did you miss that part?
At least one Catholic priest was involved also.
Maybe that isn’t such a shock….
@@indiglo1971that’s not a shock once so ever. Well at least to me and many here in Pa that just watched as they gave a list of 96 Catholic priest, bishops and all others in in Catholic Church be named in Pedo ridngs. 96 pedos from 1950’s-2000’s it’s fucking disturbing. With those 96 names it pretty much covered EVERY single Catholic Church in our state. How people stay blind to stuff like this happening in EVERY Catholic Church is just as disgusting to me
I grew up being molested for years. People who have never been through it, or those who perpetrate it, have no idea of how soul destroying it is. For most of my life I was suicidal. Nothing ever happened to the people who did this to me. If there had been, maybe I’d have felt better, like someone cared. Thanks for bringing some awareness to the issue.
Happy you’re here with us now! Stay strong! 🫂💕
I hope you find out how much you are·loved by God thru Jesus. Read His Word, asking Him to reveal truth.
They know, they just believe there are no consequences. When they first open their eyes after death, that notion is disabused
I grew up also being molested. It got to the point where I was afraid to get in the car with anyone.. I’m 60 + years old and I don’t trust.
As for my kids.. I trusted NO ONE.
Unfortunately I can relate. Same for me. no one was there for me. No one was held accountability and nobody in my family believed me. I was abandoned. now I’m 33 and Jesus saved me. Jesus healed me because I wanted Jesus. I didn’t care about anything else but cried out to God. he restored my childhood. Restored my joy! Gave me new memories and a brand new heart. I forgave my abusers And forgave all the women/ adults in my life who should have seen me and protected me.
I pray you seek Christ with your whole heart and your eyes be flooded with light. he will restore you as if it never happened. God bless you for still being here and giving God another chance to heal you
This is still going on. Celebrities, politicians. And now they are trying to normalize it. These people are SICK!
Rap Music industry is a great example with what’s going on
Diddy did it
The sad part is people idolize celebrities and politicians so much they don’t believe they are a part of all this sick evil.
Just discovered this channel, you guys are AWESOME!!! Greetings from Slovenia , stay Vigilant and Safe 😊❤
@@lovemytide45BILL CLINTON and JOE BIDEN are a prefect example
As a child sex trafficking survivor I greatly appreciate the candid and precise language you use. No dancing around what these men did just flat out calling them pedophiles and saying they raped those boys. I appreciate you.
Absolutely…I hate how these evil devils minions force us to keep their secrets & not name the truth by name…Why ? who benefits from not being honest, straightforward & frank?! 🤔🤫😒😠
I want the world to know the truth of what was done to you,and I am so crushed of what you were made to endure! I am NOT ok with it -and I will never forget,as I will expose this darkness and help spread the truth of whats been being done to children- no matter what! Only some people would rather believe a lie,and God says this is exactly the reason why they are given strong delusion because they would rather beleive a lie….for the love of the truth was not in them!
@@diezelvh4133 do you strive to be this large of a piece of garbage or does it come naturally? I was trafficked in Waikiki. Probably the only reason I made it out alive was because we were on an island. I was trafficked through backpages along with 8-9 other girls. I was one of the oldest at 13. Me and another girl escaped let someone know what was happening and his little ring was taken down
,, my name is also payne, I am steven, son of Vincent Payne”…
@@staceepayne8787What’s tge name of yoyr channel? I’ll sub! 😂
I grew up Seventh Day Adventist. A high up person touched me. My father was a counselor to the pastor. On the pulpit every week. He also touched. My mother was not a nice person. Sickening innuendos all my life. Every time I rose above the mess, was slammed by family who I could not tell, because I was the littlest and non significant ànd would not have been believed. Im 62. I have no one. Ive been actually blamed. Why at age 5, would I have an atraction to my dads icky wrinkly man part. Life sucks, but still hanging in there. So keep going people. God is soon to relieve us of our pain. ❤
Thanks for sharing your story. We are all here for you.
You guys should look into the summer wells case
Your not alone.. you have brothers and sisters everywhere..God bless u
I’m so sorry you went through this. Sending prayers 🙏 and good energy your way 💯❤️
Took me two days to watch this fully, it was hard and the comments are heartbreaking. The amount of “people” that got away with these despicable acts is astounding. I can honestly say i never knew about this until 2 days ago but you brought it to light and raised awareness.
I truly feel for David. Anyone who has been abused as a child understands exactly what he means by saying that the events have affected the rest of his life. I hope you and every victim are able to heal.
It’s hard a full time job sometimes but many do heal
😱 my friend Lee and i were walking home from school when i was 5 or 6 years old, and a blue gremlin with a white stripe pulled up and told us to get in the car. I saw a white sheet in the back seat. I started screaming and ran to a block house. The two men in the car were laughing, lee just stood there on the sidewalk. No one was home at the block home, and i started running down the sidewalk the men followed me almost all the way home. Lee ,i didn’t know what happened to her, but they didn’t take her. I ducted down the alley that ran behind my house. And thought instantly that was a bad idea. I don’t remember if i cut through a yard to get on my street or if i ran the whole alley to the abandoned theater, but i remember bursting through my front door. I never saw the gremlin or the men again. But this was in st.louis, not Detroit.
Btw, the cut wood stacked on the porch next to a patio door, is fresh wood, not aged for years. Someone is using the cabin. I bet the reason the pilot wouldn’t take you the first couple of days was to alert the island visitors and get them out of there before you showed up.
The toy marking the trail is their mascot.
All of what you’ve filmed is part of a world wide pedo ring. Frank went to Amsterdam and carried on with his pedo activities.
This was the first of your videos that I’ve ever watched… and I did it in one sitting, which is impressive for me. Very well done, very informative. I’m loving that you’re shedding light on this case. It’s very much needed.
Just think about it, if this case is so little known then imagine how many more are out there that hardly anyone knows about. Great job guys.
Colin, I’m THRILLED you’ve made this new channel. I told my husband earlier (while watching the first ¼ of this before work) – there’s gotta be a new channel! The paranormal files AND the conspiracy files! So darn cool 💚 you’ve done a brilliant job with your first!!
Super proud of you all for all of these massive milestones 💓
Being a victim of the island in 1963, I know firsthand how it was covered up, and children like myself were punished for accusing a rich white man of doing things like that. I can prove it was covered up so the GTB could bring in casinos, in 1980. I have been researching this for 60 years. I was born on Sept. 27th, 1958.
In the first part of August of 63, 3 people came to my home. Someone from the State of Michigan told my mother I had to go to a Catholic School to knock the Indian out of me and make me a real boy. Or they would take are welfare away.
The second was representative of the Kateri Catholic Church. They told me they would teach me to be a real boy by killing the Indian to save the child.
The next person was from a boy-man bonding camp that said they take single-parent children, to a summer camp on an Island. Gerald Richards was the 3rd person and he actually said that the children could go skinny dipping on the Island.
I know all about the arrest in 78.
I have the records of who he bought the land from, who was an Aunt of mine.
You heard of the Franklin conspiracy? The report said the abductors had a prominent nose. Sounds like a certain ethnic group that pretends to be white