Raleigh toddler among 200 missing children found in U.S. Marshals sting

Raleigh toddler among 200 missing children found in U.S. Marshals sting


    1. God bless you all love from Belfast Ireland ys R wonderful 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️❤️💜💙💚♥️🍀🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    2. ​@@breigesheppard8339God bless from the US! I hear it isn’t too good in Ireland within the past few months. Stay strong!

    1. You apparently don’t understand how human trafficking works, we all know they shouldn’t have gone missing but the pedophiles don’t obey laws

  1. There should be a show specifically aimed at missing children. Keeping current information live. Keeping these kids in the public eye would mean more people being aware of the people around them and more children being brought to safety.

    1. There use to be a show. John Walsh (his son was abducted and murdered in Florida) he hosted a show called America’s most wanted and always talked about missing and exploited children

    2. @@amechealle5918 yes I agree! They do random sweeps always finding hundreds of kids…why stop in between sweeps?! Save all the kids that is humanly possible!

    3. There are missing black young girls missing in Virginia Beach, I saw nothing on the local news about them. I saw it on Roland Martin unfiltered this week. They really could care less, VB has a large number of young homeless children as well. We have to stay vigilant , things will not get any better as long as the African American race is discriminated against. 😢😢😢

    4. @@karenthomas2679 They have more rights and free give-away programs than other races. They also get jobs when they’re not qualified over the whites…. so stfu

    1. Ohh. …..A child with their mother not exactly what I was expecting with missing children I get important in many cases.
      Just still… not what I was expecting with that tittle. They be acting like super hero’s … finding missing children wow. Oh so they looked at previous paperwork filed then called a relative who told them where they’d be living now and every police officer available within 300 miles show up in full squat gear to “rescue” that child away from the mother. 😒😒

    2. @@AMYV3The mother has a history of strangulation. Apparently, they tried reunification. She failed to return child to social services. She’s a danger to her child. I think I understand why you’re disappointed. You wanted a case where a child was rescued from some random monster who took them from their family to hurt them in horrific ways. I’m sure that happened we just didn’t see that one due to ongoing investigations.

    3. @@bluestsea I’m not telling them – I made a blanket statement. There are MORE than 80k children missing that’s just an estimate. More programs like this should be put forth. You don’t know me and what I’ve contributed or my family whose lives were lost in the line of duty. this was a national program and if you listen to what was done; they were cleaning up CPS’ mess also. Explain to me how much more I can help than by my own family’s sacrifice and funding the programs by working and paying extremely high taxes, (if you didn’t know that’s how they get the money ) – you must be doing something other than being a keyboard warrior, so tell me

    1. You will NEVER get that info

      Why?? It doesn’t fit with the current agenda.. Nobody asks who these kids are, whwre they are from and how they went missing..5 words..”the Border is not secure”

    1. EXACTLY!!! CPS is Corrupt!!! Ex Ga senator Nancy Schaefer Exposed them for all their Corruption. Then lost her seat in senator. Watch her videos.

  2. The female marshall said they rescue some children who came from foster care and will probably run away again. That is so sad

    1. in 2022 something like 115 kids were truly kidnapped or abducted, most are family members running from CPS or something like it. (Stats may be off but the majority are only missing as far as the govt knows, they arent missing to their familys

    2. It’s the same with Ohio. There are independent journalists saying a certain hospital and their doctors and directors are behind a lot of it in one city.. Authorities will not help them.

  3. I’m a bit confused here…why was the mom of a four year old she killed, not in jail? Plus had another baby? Our judicial system is pretty much useless at this point.

    1. Because our system of justice can’t act until AFTER the crime has been committed.
      And all the justice is legally written to protect the rights of the accused and the guilty.
      This kind of system favors the “Might is Right” theory of justice; and favors the narcissistic stalkers and slavers.

      I email Sentors and Reps and influential persons about these issues. I urge everyone to advise their Congresspersons. YOU pay for them; you may as well express yourself to them, and use them.

    2. Corrupt CPS is to blame. They leave kids in bad homes & remove kids in Good homes way too much. More kids are abused & murdered while in the system. Ex-Ga Senator Nancy Schaefer Exposed them. Then lost her seat & in the senate.

    1. From who? The parents? Take them where. Everyone says protect the children but don’t foster or adopt. The video says most are runaways. Runaways are usually child abuse victims.

    2. CPS is a child trafficking ring.

      Family Court is a child trafficking ring.

      The FBI is a child trafficking ring.

      Your politicians rape children because YOU KEEP VOTING FOR BABY KILLERS.

    3. This is why judgment is coming to our country! Look what we have allowed to happen to our children. Good people let bad things happen. Shameful shameful. Shameful. So horrific. This should be top priority in our country protecting our babies our children what’s more important than that?

    4. And how are we going to do that? What’s your suggestion? The foster care system is overwhelmed right now & so are group homes

    1. I feel the same as you. But now it seems they don’t hold people until their day in court. There is the catch and release ideology and who would ever think that would work? I hate to say this but if over crowding in the jails are too much then logically maybe we can allocate funds going to illegals to go to building more jails because that woman and other people get no recourse no punishment to hinder them from doing despicable acts.

    2. @@anglophils645 Don’t believe the lies!! … that’s why it’s unbelievable because it “might” not have happened … these agencies are liars!!

  4. More than 4400 kids on NC have been reported missing? What in the hell?? Why is that not headline news?? That’s crazy!! More than 4400…in one state alone?!!?? WTAF!

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