The Chicago Child Murders | Unsolved Serial Killer Documentary

In its early years, there was a belief of innocence around Chicago, but that illusion would be shattered starting in the 1950s with a string of child murders. While none have been officially linked, a startling number of similarities exist between them all. Did Chicago have a serial killer?

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  1. People think the 50s 60s 70s 80s were a golden period for children and they were safe. They weren’t. Children were not believed predators got away with it. It seems worse for children in the present day because we know this evil is all around us and mostly the children are taken seriously and the predator gets punished but not to harshly in the uk anyway.

    1. We have always had evil in the world. Today, technology has given us the ability to reach far and wide with news, information, and communication regarding these horrible happenings.
      However, I feel evil has infiltrated more and more undeveloped souls in this world. People don’t parent as they should, the OWO agenda, these are a few things that have broken us down.
      God bless the souls that met with this evil.

    2. True. Parents thought that they were doing good by warning kids about “stranger danger.”. Over 90% of s*xual assaults and molestation occurred with people that the kids know. The illusion of innocence and safety made it a perverts paradise unfortunately.

    3. I think it’s because news is more national and international now. If you look at newspapers from that era, coverage was more locally focused with only national or regional stories if they were big deals.

  2. I really appreciate the level of professional detail you go into when covering these cases. You gather, edit & use a ton of authentic images of the case & other forms of relevant media. It really helps convey a sorta detective perspective to these cases. Keep up the great work.

    1. ​@@rhiannas1355There was a warning before the video played, so if you don’t know what to expect then switch off. People that are into crime documentaries like to see every detail, i personally had to fast forward but not going to complain because as i said we were warned.

    1. I definitely believe there’s more than one child ender. Because if you look at the statistics and the psychology of child SAers it’s extremely EXTREMELY rare, to the point where it’s almost unheard of, for a pr.ed.a.tor to prey on children of both genders. Predators usually choose one gender and age and stick to it. I definitely believe because of the difference in ages between the youngest and the oldest and the different genders, that there was definitely more than one predator at work.

    2. I can’t stand these phonies and Liars ! I’m an ex submarine gunner Navy Seal, Admiral, Ninja and floral patio chair cushion cover designer! Thank me for my service.
      You’re welcome 😂 🥇🎖️🏅🥉🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🏅🏅🎖️🏅🎖️🏅
      I was ordered the constipational medal of Oder by President Lincoln.

    3. So it’s a real life movie based on real life but is made into a movie, like a movie , a movie that is not a movie but is also a movie but also a movie, is that what you mean?
      I can’t stand these phonies and Liars ! I’m an ex submarine gunner Navy Seal, Admiral, Ninja and floral patio chair cushion cover designer! Thank me for my service.
      You’re welcome 😂 🥇🎖️🏅🥉🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🏅🏅🎖️🏅🎖️🏅
      I was ordered the constipational medal of Oder by President Lincoln.

  3. Siblings were killed among them and that is even more sadder for the parent. It is bad enough to lose one child but to lose two then it made the Dad of those brothers go crazy. Maybe since that Silas Jaynes knew about his stable employee killing those boys then he demanded that employee to go seek girls for him. The way the sisters were dumped naked and the boys the same way make me feel they were connected.

    1. The dad didnt go “crazy”. He was understandably experiencing enormous grief. That instead of helping him cope with losing both boys and in such a horrible way, they friggin electrocuted him to death!

    1. @@barbarajohnson3876 Some countries are more dangerous than others. Some of us do not live in America where the people have become accustomed to violence. Where I live, in Spain, we are the 31st of European countries’ murder rates with 0.61 per 100,000. In contrast, the USA has a murder rate of 6.38 but this figure does not include murders or genocide outside of the USA in which the American government is complicit.

    1. Yes, lots of people had TV s by then, 😊and most people still read newpapers… while they we being trained in the watching of TV, including news.

    2. Well it’s crazy cuz if you don’t look up videos so you don’t see the s*** every day it’s weird looking at video clips of these things going on when they haven’t caught the person yet or when they actually caught them years later

  4. I cannot imagine the trauma of having to identify your child’s body after they were murdered, but to have to do it at the scene with journalists snapping your photo? I just feel so awful for those parents. All those reporters were just there to get the scoop with no regard for what the parents were going through. I suppose it’s slightly better today now that cops don’t allow them to trample crime scenes, they at least have to maintain some distance.

    1. The police have come along way thank God but those police back then had a tough job & they were learning how to solve crime as fast as they could but it just wasn’t fast enough. It’s amazing that any parent was able to survive after their child was butchered by some sick monster !

    2. Tiffany Sessions disappeared from Gainesville Florida while jogging in 1990 or 91. Her mother has gone to identify remains over 700 times in the 3 decades since then. She’s never been found.

      Imagine having to do that 700 times.

    3. @wendyh2708  Oh, I know. I often wonder how people who find victims deal with that afterward. It’s not like you can just forget about it.

  5. Well done! Informative and thorough. I’m a Baby Boomer who grew up in Chicago and we were always reminded when we went out to be careful so we wouldn’t end up like the Grimes girls. Very sad stories.

    1. Wow. How did you make it through the Richard Speck murders? I don’t think I could ever walked down the streets by myself again if I lived in Chicago after that tragedy.

    2. @@MeeMee-gz5vp Overall we kids weren’t scared growing up in my era: murders like the Grimes girls and the others didn’t make the news as frequently as they happen nowadays. The fact that this excellent video presents these terrible crimes all at once makes it seem like we were always scared to go out. Not so. But because the Grimes girls tragic deaths were so well publicized, our parents were more keenly aware of them: hence the warnings.
      My mom and dad gave my siblings and myself a wonderful childhood. Growing up I always felt loved and safe EXCEPT for the three days between the time we learned about Speck’s brutal murders of the student nurses and when the young intern who was treating what he thought was another vagrant until he saw the tattoo “ Born to raise hell” and knew from the news reports that it was Richard Speck and called the police, is the only time I remember being scared to go outside even to our backyard. We had never heard of a group murder this vicious before. The relief we all felt when Speck was arrested was genuine.👍🏾

  6. The level of torture those children went through is horrifying! I know that the boy scouts and lay people wanted to help, but I can’t help but imagine how many crime scenes were contaminated. It is so weird to see the graphic photos of naked dead children on the front page of the newspaper.

    1. I agree, I can’t imagine how the parents felt when they saw their children’s dead bodies photo in the newspaper. Just terrible 😢

    1. I’m from a small town in the south and murders like this happen in small towns and the police for the most part are born and raised in the surrounding area and a lot of them are not properly trained on how to handle murder investigations.

      Sadly, I have an uncle who was murdered in the town I’m from, he was only 32 when he died. His case has never been solved, but our family pretty much knows what happened to him.

      He married a woman who was 8 years older and she had two teenage sons. When they married she was working for an insurance agency in town and she had taken out an insurance policy right away on my uncle and it wasn’t long after they were married that he was supposedly killed while “cleaning one of his guns”. We think that it was one of her teenage sons who killed him so that she could collect the insurance money. My uncle had owned and been around guns his whole life.

      His death was ruled as ‘undetermined’ and she was never able to collect the insurance money. My uncle was the kindest soul, hard working and would help anyone who asked. He would have given you the shirt off his back if you asked him for it.

  7. Imagine being an adult in the 1950’s and 1960’s. You survived The Great Depression AND WWII, only to then lose your child in the most gruesome and horrific way. Life can be so cruel sometimes.

    1. Well you would have had to been a baby born at the end in 1939 and have been 20 yrs old when you had that child that went missing. One in a million on that one.
      Great Depression 1929-1939

    2. @@derekpam7149
      That’s why I said “survived” The Great Depression. Meaning they lived through it, not born at the tail end of it as you are trying to suggest. Don’t twist my words okay.

  8. I am a true crime fan and this just captivated me. The pictures, interviews, news clips, real detectives. This is true crime at its finest. Thank you!

  9. I grew up in Chicago in the 60s i was 5 when i was almost taken..i was pushing a shopping cart through a gangway and had the man blocked from getting ahold of me..i ran screaming! But days later the body of a girl was found in a garbage can behind the building i lived in..the man lived in the building behind where i lived! We moved after that!

  10. How do you “accidentally” smother someone with a pillow. That’s like saying a person that was stabbed multiple times fell onto a knife by accident.

    1. I don’t know ~ one of the most ridiculous ones I’ve heard was that the man strangled his girlfriend to death by “accident” and no it wasn’t during some sex act

  11. When I was about 10 and 11 in 1969/70 I was nearly kidnapped within seconds of being rescued by my mother, the first time it was a white van with a couple in their 30/40s , the second time it was a man in his 50s parked two houses down on a busy late afternoon when there was bingo going on in the church and the whole street was filled with parked cars, for some reason both times my mother had the instinct to check on me, I definitely know if it hadn’t been for my mother I wouldn’t be here today 🥴

    1. I had a similar experience involving Danny Heinrich in Minnesota when I was 13. I had 3 nasty encounters with him, once with 2 other friends on our bikes. My mom and I were there for 2 weeks on vacation and flew home, saving my life likely.

    2. Thank God for Your Mom being the true Definition of a Mother, being aware of her child & Your whereabouts.🙏👍💯🥰🙌

    3. Makes me wonder why the string of kidnappings? I believe there was also a surge of kidnappings during the 1980s. Children have never, truly been safe, it seems.

    4. @@ConnieHeartsValentino I *know* that nothing has changed but the time & the source (all forms) info & location of info coming from & the focus & data
      (what is collected, how, what constitutes
      *the title* given to each individual
      (missing & etc)
      it is all bias & not equal on narrative of so many factors. what is the same is: HYPE !!!
      up playing or down playing…
      when on a whole
      an a noun should not decide anything. it’s all based on $$$ is what’s sad.

  12. Wow ! This was so interesting. My grandma would always tell me you don’t want to end up like the Grimes sister. Now at 63 years old I now know what happened. Thank God for keeping me safe and out of harms way. May all the victims find peace in heaven 😢

  13. Thank you for using real footage and photos for this story. These children should have grown up, married, had children, and grandchildren. God bless them, and their families, may they rest in peace.

    1. I didn’t grow up and get married or have children. All of my ex girlfriends thought abortions were cool, thanks pop culture

  14. I was abducted & sexually abused in the early eighties … i thought he was going to kill me! I remember begging him to spare my life … He was a total stranger… this sickness and demonic attack on innocence has troubled me all my life! I am 55 now and fight to rescue children and expose evil! The trauma I went through was evident all my life! Children still suffer so many atrocities to this day! Lord help us rescue the children ! ❤

    1. thank you for taking such a horrific experience and using it to help others. So sorry that you experienced this evil. Peace and blessings to you.

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