U.S. Marshals find 200 missing children in 6-week operation

U.S. marshals say they've found more than 200 missing children, 123 of whom were removed from dangerous situations such as sex trafficking or gang activity. Evan Lambert reports on Operation "We Will Find You Part 2," which works to recover missing children across the country.


    1. @@tvviewer4500 If you were blabbing about those children being found in Biden’s house, but you don’t know who Matt Gaetz is, you’re clearly just complete troll. You should leave the chat like Matt Gaetz did.

  1. It’s so horrible all these poor children used in trafficking. I hope they can continue to find more. God bless these Federal Marshalls, Good Job.❤❤❤

  2. Fantastic!!!!!!! God bless you for finding them!!! Your totally awesome!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!!!!!

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