US Marshals find 200 critically missing children during 6-week operation

The U.S. Marshals Service said it found 200 critically missing children during a six-week "Operation We Will Find You 2" campaign between May 20 and June 24. This was the second time the U.S. Marshals conducted such an operation in conjunction with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.


  1. What about all the kids taken at the border and taken in the dark of night by plane all over the country. They did not even take the time or make an effort to identify them or track where they were. Many have not been returned. This is a blot on this country. This should be part of this enforcement. Those kids deserve to be found and the families deserve to know where their children are.

  2. Kids that run away from state run facilities need to be interviewed by a non government person. If the state has safe places why are the kids running away from the safety of the government.

  3. I looked up the missing person statistics and I was shocked. Over 2 thousand children per DAY on average go missing in the US. Thank you to the brave men and women who are part of this effort.

    1. @@RADARTechie According to the U.S. Department of Justice reports 797,500 children (younger than 18) were reported missing in a one-year period of time studied resulting in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing each day.

    2. @@risingphoenix505 Yes it’s sad what is going on but I believe the majority are recovered within a short time frame due to running away or parent disputes. Still very tragic but a few thousand are the ones that are truly “missing”. Again not to diminish the sad fact that they’re kids and missing. Just wanted to throw that out there.

  4. It’s time to start posting children’s pictures of the missing kids on the air every day. If the TV stations would do this, it would help a great deal.
    Thank God for the rescuer’s dedication. ❤

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