WARNING! Don’t Miss Our 3 Hour Missing Persons Mysteries Marathon

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Join Steve Stockton in our first missing persons mysteries 3 hour marathon!

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🙌 Missing Persons Mysteries Podcast:

🆕 Playlist with ALL the channels content:

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The Rake by: CO.AG

#missingpersonsmysteries #missing411 #disappeared #missingpeople #missingperson #vanishedwithoutatrace #nationalparkmysteries #nationalparkdisappearances

0:00 – Wildmen & Feral Cannibals
10:36 – Strangest Wilderness Disappearances EVER
53:15 – Missing Park Rangers
1:16:25 – Bennington Triangle Disappearances
1:30:57 – People Last Seen Running Into The Woods!
2:04:48 – Missing Hunters
2:19:54 – Disembodied Cries for Help From Missing Hikers!
2:47:54 – Missing Families!
2:59:55 – Outro


  1. ❤ I believe there are things unseen … compelling unseen forces that we can’t understand totally until we are ourselves in the situation that we become lost too

    1. And to people who say that these people see things and are hallucinating…
      Why do these healthy well adjusted people suddenly start hallucinating and seeing Cryptids or large man-like creatures, when they have no history of mental illness? Normal people just don’t see + hear things out of the blue
      My point is, I agree with these comments here and this universe is vast and we don’t understand everything that can be (and are) out there until we experience it ourselves.

    1. You are / you’re (the CONJUNTION of you and are) Thanks for your future compliance to the laws of grammar and proper use of the English language.

      This way we can most assuredly maintain the survival of man, for language is our divine tool which separates us from our animal kingdom. 💪

      God Bless you in your cooperation with the prime directive. 🙏

    1. Could it be they were still alive when the spot was searched? And then they wandered back somehow being missed by the searchers and died after the area was searched?

    2. @@EraZero250 He was found at the bottom of a steep cliff 3 weeks after he went missing off the Trail where his parents last saw him . 100s had walked that spot.

  2. I believe these people stumble into the vail of a dimensional change. I believe your memories, while in an alternate dimension, stay in that dimension. I think it’s like trying to remember a dream you had the night before. Try to remember it before it disappears from your mind for good.

  3. I live in haywood county in WNC. Right in the heart of the smokies. The brush is so thick and it is so dark under the canopy of trees it is very easy to get turned around and lost. Happens here every year. There are places that are way too far and snakey for people to get to…even today. And these mountains are old. Ancient. I have seen things camping that should not exist. Freaky things. I wouldn’t live anywhere else!😊


    2. Consider this… when someone is already lost, bad weather makes finding them much more difficult. When someone is out hiking, sudden bad weather makes it much more likely they will get lost and it will be more difficult to find them. Weather happens and changes all the time and affects human activity. There’s no mysterious correlation with a human getting lost in the woods and bad weather.

    3. ​@kissedbysun2517 bad weather is not why people find this bizarre,at least not for me dig a Lil bit you might change your thought of people over reacting. The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction don’t be so quick to judge

    1. Surprised after that long he has all his facilities and no brain injury. Approximately 70 percent of people who respond to CPR within 5 minutes may survive and have minimal or no brain injury, but the odds of successful resuscitation—particularly without brain injury—decline precipitously after the 10 to 15-minute mark. It is amazing in this guy’s case!

  4. Frequencies, that’s what all of this has connections to . Frequencies that are not audible to the human ears . Frequencies can alter weather conditions, can affect the brain and its functions as well as memory. It wouldn’t even surprise me if it can be use to camouflage.

  5. The largest station in Australia is 5.85 million acres. There are multiple stations with multiple millions of acres in Australia.
    You’re talking about an area 1/10 the size. People who aren’t Australian think that our country is all desert, except for the coastal regions. We have plenty of wilderness that is capable of supporting life other than that of humans.
    You can’t even imagine what the possibilities are.
    Love your work Steve 🇦🇺

  6. Great episode, thanks. About 20 years ago, on the Satrday after Thanksgiving in 2003 or 2004, a friend and I were driving south on Rt 3 in New Hampshire north of Franconia. In the middle of nowhere, nothing but deep national forest for many many miles in all directions, we came across a dude standing on the road’s shoulder with his thumb out. It was late in the day and snowing lightly. My buddy is an innocent, gullible rube and thought it was a great idea to stop and pick this dude up. We pulled over and backed up to where the guy was standing. Before we stopped I told my buddy he was phucking nuts for stopping but he thought it was a great idea. Anyway, we stop next to this dude and notice that he had an army duffel bag at his feet and we could see footprints and a drag mark in the snow coming from the treeline several yards off the road. I reluctantly help this guy get the duffel into our van. It must have weight 200 pounds. No exaggerating, 200 pounds. He said he had two more duffels inside the tree line. We got those and they also weighed close to 200 pounds. No, we didn’t ask what was in there. He wanted a ride down to the bus station at the next town down the road- Lincoln, NH. Let me tell you… this dude was WEIRD. Very very weird. He said his name was Andrew. While we didn’t ask what we had just loaded into the van, we did ask what he was doing in the woods. He said he lived there all spring, summer, and fall. He said there was a large group of people who didn’t participate in civilization, they lived deep in the White Mountain National Forest in the summer (illegal). Some stayed all winter (brutal arctic conditions) but most, like him, leave in the Fall to go south to the Smokies to hole up all winter deep in the woods down there. Let me tell you, this guy was NOT right. If he was living outside of civilization with a bunch of others like that…. Yeah I don’t ever want to run into that. I have also had some weird stuff happen down in the George Washington NF in southern Virginia, same basic area as the Smokies, but that’s for anther time. Let’s just say, I do not go int the woods alone or without serious protection anymore.

  7. You can’t tell me nor ever make me believe that “wildmen” do not exist in those forests. I’ve spent summers in the hills of KY and TN, witnessing some of these people. Scary, but it is their way of life, how they were raised, all they know…Also, not 100% sure these missing children are dead, but maybe living among these beings now??

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