When Missing Children Realize They’ve Been Found

When Missing Children Realize They’ve Been Found

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    1. I don’t know why they thought it was a good idea to let the toddler watch “Dada” fight with the cops. I would have taken the tot into a car, shielded him from the drama and stayed with him to comfort and distract him.

  1. The third video, can we all appreciate the hard work the deputy put in to go to EVERY SINGLE MOTEL in the city to find the fucker? That is dedication.

  2. That third case with the 13 year old…I was so impressed with the sheer determination of the deputy. He hoofed it to every hotel he could and it paid off!

    1. I know for a fact that usually, when children are involved in this kind of cases, Police officers won’t rest until they find the kids.
      A lot of Police officers are parents themselves, so it touches a particular nerve.

    2. That was his job. You check under every stone. If he could not find her in a hotel he would have checked every place with a camera. He only got lucky so quickly because the friend gave him vital information.

    1. Same… I have a daughter close in age and I wouldn’t be able to to contain my fury.

      This made me feel sick.. I hope the inmates he is with make him pay far more than I can even describe.

  3. The way the officer was holding that young man’s face in his hands touched me heart. He obviously cared very much, and I am thankful for the boys safety

    1. But the officer did a pit maneuver to stop the car with a child in the car?? Couldn’t that have endangered the child’s life? I understand that the cops had to stop the car, but it seems like the car could have flipped or hit the tree also killing the kid? I’m glad they got the kid OK, though.

    2. @@kgs2280at the same time if he continued to just chase the guy easily could have crashed or even worse crashed into someone else🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s a lose lose either way

    3. @@kgs2280you have to weigh your options. Have the child be potentially injured in a car crash or have him be kidnapped and potentially never seen again. The answer seems pretty clear to me.

    1. @@SofCoMarCeleste He told them to back off because he knew they might want to do what the cops would actually love to do but know they can’t and not go to prison.

  4. The fact that “Using a Minor as a Shield” is an official charge is actually terrifying. The fact that it’s happened enough for a specific charge.

    1. Less than 80 years ago, in Warsaw’s Wola district, breaking the Hague Conventions and all human rights, the Germans used Polish civilians, mainly women and children, as human shields to cover the advance of their units.

      Between August 5th and 7th, 1944, the units of war criminal General Reiner Stahel murdered about 65,000 residents of Wola. Most historians believe that this was the largest single crime against civilians during World War II – comparable only to the number of victims of the atomic blaze in Hiroshima.

  5. I like the fact that you always blur out the victim in these videos, but not the people who committed a crime. Those people deserve to be known and shown how bad of a person they are.

    1. @@shaniceleader2539Probably the girl he was with was already friends with the group, and decided to introduce them and made them become friends.

  6. The second one, the relief and the joy you hear in their voices when they find her safe, them comforting her, getting her a towel to cover up, they were so gentle with her, you could tell they really didn’t think they’d be finding her alive.

    1. yeah and they also told her to forget her clothes. she could’ve put her clothes on but they further humiliated her by forcing her to only wear a towel.

    2. @@cmtaylor pretty sure it was because she wasn’t going with them because she couldn’t find them. But they just wanted her in somebody’s arms. She was pretty young so who knows how long it would’ve taken her
      They still went to make sure they found something she could cover herself with. I don’t blame them for not being worried about what it was specifically. At least that’s my guess. I wasn’t there.

    3. @@cmtaylorAlso a chance the clothes taken off her mightve been needed for evidence for SA charges and to see if his dna was on them and all that stuff

  7. The most upsetting thing was the baby who cared more for his father’s wellbeing than the father cared for his. Poor kid doesn’t realise how much of a monster his father really is

    1. I shudder to think what would had happened to that poor child had they not gotten there when they did. SHe was undressed and the sumbag that took her was in almost undressed.

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