1. The system used for Amber Alerts is called the Emergency Alert System. The 3 tones at the beginning and end have information for special decoders that tell them what to say and show on TV. Referring to the first entry of this video, the “jumpscare” is actually the official alarm for an amber alert. it’s used so people recognize it better. The red screen amber alert is Canadian.

    1. @@chief-ac594 oh no
      dont u know the amber alert is from the girl named amber that went missing she got abducted so long time ago and the police everything shared to social media cant believe you dont know everything also you dont understand it does make sense

  2. I lowkey cannot believe some people would actually steal somebody’s child. There shouldn’t be any reason why someone would to this. You have to be truly sick in the head for that.

  3. One night I woke up around 2:50 am and couldn’t go back to sleep, somewhere around 3 am I was on my phone and all of a sudden an Amber Alert popped up on the screen, almost gave me a heart attack.

  4. sad fact: almost ALL amber alert cases end up with the child dying (this typically occurs if the child isn’t found within the first few hours of the amber alert being issued)

    1. Where I’m from, most cases are actually just things like a divorced parent picked up the child without the other parent knowing, but in kidnapping/abduction cases, unfortunately yes.

  5. I always found it disturbing that an AMBER alert will hit everyone. I was at a mall this year, and a kiddnapping occured, so we all got an AMBER alert. Nothing is more disturbing then who knows how much AMBER alerts going off through a packed mall and it goes completely silent as everyone gets out their phones and we are all looking at it. 💀

    1. Lmao, an entire mall goes extremely quiet other than the sounds of the ear piercing sounds of the amber alert, also i think I’ve been in that situation before

  6. I’ve always been scared of emergency alert sounds, mainly because the ones I heard only occurred around 3am, I would run into my moms room. I’m still frightened by the sound to this day as well.

  7. For anyone who cares to read, I had insomnia when I was around 6 years old, also had a TV in my room. I remember every night at around 3am the amber alert tests would play. The first time I seen it I remember jumping out of bed into my grand parents room (looked a lot like number 1’s screen) and to this day I walk out of the room when I hear an amber alert. I guess it’s good that it’s alarming, but can really put you on edge the first time you see one.

    Oh, and the first time I got one on my phone was for flash flooding, I remember throwing it out of my two story bedroom window it scared the hell out of me (I was like 11). Forgot to disable them I guess..

    1. For safety’s sake, *do not* disable emergency alerts. They’re issued for a reason, and only go off in life threatening situations and during scheduled test times

  8. like Laughability would say: these may seem scary, but none of these are actually bad, they’re just trying to warn you and keep you safe, no matter how scary they seem

    1. Bruh that’s literally what he said in his Roblox errors video I mean he probably would say that when reacting to amber alerts and emergency alerts 😂

  9. About a year ago, at around 2:30 AM, we received a public safety alert that someone IN OUR TOWN about a 15-20 minute walk away was shot, and the assailant had not been caught. The issued alert said to not leave our house and lock our doors. The man was caught about 30 minutes later.

    Edit: 6 months later I just noticed how many likes I got. That’s crazy.

  10. My friend almost got kidnapped when at a park by a man in a red truck she said “I’m good” and ran to her house I am so thankful that she is ok and the guy is still on the run

  11. I got a Amber alert for 2 siblings that got kidnapped by their own mother trying to escape from their abusive father, I don’t know what happened to them now, it makes me sick that we have to put out alerts like this because of how cruel and nasty people can be

  12. I once predicted an amber alert when I was 9. So it was in the afternoon and I asked my mom, what’s an amber alert? And she said “It’s when the eas goes off to tell that a kid went missing or is abducted.” Then dinner time came. We were eating quietly, and suddenly the eas went off. It was an amber alert. My mom was shocked and asked me “where did you learn about the amber alert?” And I just said that I just thought of it. My parents were astonished that I predicted an eas- also worried for the child.

  13. 2:02 The Amber Alert special tone is actually a D Major Overdriven guitar riff (with a synth and percussion backdrop), scaled upward to A Minor by two whole octaves(!); this is why it is so nerve-wracking, because of the way it’s scaled, how quickly it’s scaled (in just 1.2 seconds!), and the scale itself going from Major to Minor, which always triggers a Flight/Fight/Freeze response. The EAS tones are a twin layered DTMF sine pulse with a VBR of 6kbps. It’s technically not supposed to be used as audio, because, like the first track of CDs with data (like PlayStation and Saturn games to name a couple examples), it’s just data that becomes ingratiating noise. By the by, the low layer is where the execution constants are, the upper layer is the execution instructions, which varies dependent on what is to be relayed, where, when, and if there is to be some subset of instructions to be executed (Amber Alerts/National Emergency/Testing/EAS Outage/911 Outage or Failure/X-Level Crisis).
    5:14 Oh yeah. I know people who have been there. Not all of them found out in this exact manner, but the primal emotions do not differ, though actions taken definitely do, each to each. Oh, me? I’d be gathering an armed search party. #WRONGCHILDBITCH
    6:00 Canada’s alert system is way different; the twin layer tone is not F/F/F inducing, but would be very annoying and possibly hearing impairing at high dB. The upper tone layer is a high-low square pulse, and the lower tone layer is a constant 22khz beep. It’s not generated by data.
    7:16 Canadian French.

    The EAS tones will always be awful to hear, but from what I understand, they’re gonna start phasing out the current system in the next few years and in its’ place, a far better, less ingratiating and more informative system. It’ll no longer interrupt broadcast directly and the data noise will no longer be audible. I dunno too much about it other than it being supposedly more interactive, end-user friendly, and so on.

    1. ​@@MacintoshtheBattlecreekite …
      When speaking of the musical scale, the note (A) and the scale (Minor) are both capitalized. *A Minor, E Major, Drop D,* and so on.

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