Madalina Cojocari | 11 YR OLD NC GIRL MISSING! | Parents FAILED to report her missing for 3 weeks!

If you have any information concerning the whereabouts of Madalina Cojocari, please contact the the Cornelius Police Department at (704) 892-7773. You may also contact your local FBI office, the nearest American Embassy or Consulate, or you can submit a tip online at

NEW RELEASE! A family member of Madalina Cojocari's was in the Madison County NC area between November 22nd and December 15th. Authorities are looking for firsthand witness information in regards to a Toyota Prius (pictures in link) or white female in the area of Madison County around those dates.


➳ Crime After Crime Channel (podcast)

F O L L O W M E ! ! !
I N S T A G R A M — @danellehallanyt

As a friendly reminder, I do the BEST research I possibly can before posting every single one of my videos. However, the nature of these videos, means I rely on news outlets, speculations of investigators, journalists and family members. I understand that all of my information may not be correct! In the case that I did find false information, please feel free to correct me in the comments below! I in no way have intentions of spreading false information.

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Video from Captain Thompson

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