10 Cold Cases That Were SOLVED With Insane Twist (After Decades)

In a world of uncertainty, unsolved mysteries often haunt us for years. From long-lost siblings to missing persons, there are some cases that remain eerie and unresolved with no closure in sight. But in 2023, several cold cases were miraculously solved by dedicated police and private investigators – providing much-needed resolution to heartbroken families. Join us as we take you through 2023's most bizarre, mysterious, and horrifying stories of Cold Cases that eventually found some form of closure. The first case is of Amore Wiggins.

00:00-00:40 intro
00:40-06:34 case 10
06:34-09:25 case 9
09:25-13:30 case 8
13:30-16:00 case 7
16:00-20:45 case 6
20:45-23:44 case 5
23:45-25:52 case 4
25:53-28:12 case 3
28:13-30:00 case 2
30:00-40:00 case 1

2 Hours of Cold Cases Solved in 2022:-

20 Solved Cold Cases in 2021(2 hours):-

Background music:-

For any matter please contact:- mysterious5info@gmail.com


    1. @@Bvddy.H0lly Same. I guess because its told in story format so the reality of it doesn’t really hit us as much. They just give you facts about what happened and thats all. I’m also a very big fan of horror as a genre, I think maybe that desensitizes us as well.
      It can also depend on how you grew up maybe? If you grew up around abuse, trauma, poverty, crime, etc it could go either way: hit you more or hit you less.
      I didnt grow up around children, everyone in my family was always older than me and I don’t have children nor do I have any contact with children either so that separates me from it more.
      It gets to me when theres photos, videos, families talking about it or anything that makes the deaths real.
      Recently with true crime becoming a big thing on youtube, these horrible things are sensationalized and wrapped up in pretty paper for us to consume and be entertained by while we eat our dinner, then we move on to the next one. I don’t feel these videos are made with the victim in mind but rather the audience.

  1. I’m glad they solved Amore’s case! I think that’s one Cayleigh Elise covered on her channel. It was deleted when she left YouTube, but it’s one of those cases that sticks with you. 😢

    1. I remember, she was great I miss her thorough work and the empathy she evoked or each case. I think she got married, I really miss her and this music is what she used as well.
      I enjoy this channel as well!

    2. I miss Cayleigh Elise so much. Her work was invaluable. She was apparently in an abusive relationship and it took a huge toll on her and she was suffering from depression. I really hope she’s doing well :”(

  2. Edited to add: WTVM and WRBL (the local news stations are covering the prelim case right now. There’s some footage from a detective that spoke with Lamar in interrogation.

    I live and grew up in Opelika. I remember when her skull was found. It’s pretty wild because these kinds of cases (child murders) let alone murders were pretty rare at the time. I and others in the area never understood why they didn’t push harder to get Othram labs to do a DNA test until just this year. Within just a few months, so much information was discovered. The father suddenly had a name, so did her step mom, her mother… That her mom Sherry was paying child support this entire time. They could have solved this case years ago. They just stalled or so it seemed to the public. What Sherry said about the community being divided is right. Half were sympathetic, but it being a small town, a lot were just in it for the southern gossip and hate. In the end, I still think it’s screwed up that the community had more knowledge about this years before her mom did. I couldn’t imagine.

    1. Rachel…. look deep in your heart. You KNOW why they didn’t care about this case deeply. 😒 just look at how much they cared about Jean binet Ramsey and Madeline McCann. The truth is there, it’s just too horrible to believe.

    2. ​@geekemedia Is there a reason you mis-spelled Jon Benet Ramsey and Madeleine McCann’s names? Look deep in your heart to see if you know why that might be.

    3. @christinesbetterknitting4533  the reason is I simply didn’t know how to spell it properly and tried my best from memory. I apologize

    4. @@geekemedia I get what you mean. I don’t think there’s some kind of underground ring or cover up though. I just think some times police drag their feet and suck at their job. I think some are ego driven and don’t know how to interrogate people, causing them to shut down. I think a lot don’t know the aspect of their jobs and they get lazy with it. Some have caused fear in the community and that’s why people don’t want to speak with them. I personally don’t trust our Sheriff’s dept after our neighbor was robbed and the robber (let’s say his name is Bob. He was visiting from out of the county to help our neighbors move) came on to our property. We called them out and the guy he initially robbed couldn’t press charges (we’ll call him Will). I don’t know the details of why he couldn’t, because Bob was found with the stolen property. But I do know that when we asked them to remove Bob, they told us they aren’t a taxi service and we would have to remove this robber from our property ourselves. We asked if they could follow us to the sheriff’s department at least and they told my dad no. Instead, I had to sit in the backseat with a 9mm concealed and help my dad escort this thief off our property.

    5. @@christinesbetterknitting4533 I’ve seen some of your other comments. It’s crazy how rude you are to other people and try to insult their intelligence. Meanwhile, you’re too dense to gather context clues.

  3. I remember hearing about the Opelika case years ago and was so confused as to how even tho they had her picture (the church picture) they still couldn’t find her even if the parents unalived her what about her grandparents and her her extended family? They didn’t see the baby for years and never bothered to ask where she is or look for her or file a missing person?! Judging by the fact that they took her to a church school someone other than the parents HAD to have known about her. How can a baby be so forget by everyone that interacted with her

    1. ​@@Ratisha_Official This little detail here makes it all the more heartbreaking. Just visualizing a hungry and mute dishelved little girl wandering onto the bus with no adult present made me tear up

  4. at the risk of sounding nitpicky, daniel case is still cold – his body was identified, but his death and possible killer are still unknown, so labeling it as solved is a bit misleading.

    1. Not misleading. Unidentified decedents are their own kind of unsolved mystery, and solving their identity is kind of like solving a gigantic mystery all on its own. Of course eventually it would be great to solve the crime itself but that’s kind of a separate “victory” to celebrate if that makes sense. It’s a big hurdle and it should be publicized in videos like these because knowing a decedent’s identity can kick start the investigation into their death and people might have information.

  5. These are so so sad. I pray for all of these poor poor souls. I was recently given the chance to study the case of “the boy in the box”. The victim was a young boy who was found in a box and he’d been beaten and died from blunt force trauma. No one knew who he was and he was considered a John Doe case for decades. A week into my studies, his identity was found. Joseph Augustus Zarelli. (The coincidence is unnerving because I just got this feeling to suddenly study him only for his identity to be found) I kid you not, I cried. After years of not being able to identify him, his identity was found. I hope that baby is resting in peace now.

  6. 9:23 “he literally admitted to murdering her brutally and disposing of her naked body in a ditch, if found guilty he’ll possibly get 40 years” *WHAT?!*

    1. ​@@dalocalhowlie_ in my opinion he deserves life in prison cause what he did is sick I don’t thing anyone should go through anything like that and the fact that there murdurs comes from another person is sad.

      I think that the police political are just deaf to hear or notice THAT HE ADDMITED TO A MURDER WAY WORSE THAN A CRIME

    2. @@Random-hi8yi but life in prison means he won’t be let free anything other than that will mean he will be able to leave prison and it won’t be fair

  7. Amore’s picture in the thumbnail made me click on the video, that is beyond terrifying what the little girl endured. All of the victims in the video that remains unsolved deserve justice, and I hope their souls are at peace. So many wicked, evil people walk this Earth and that is concerning to think about.

    1. I feel so sorry for them and the fact that a person could even thing about doing that to another person is just sick in my opinion💔

    2. I agree. They deserve justice and their families deserve closure (and their friends) . It is heart-breaking to know that some cases never get solved. Additionally, it’s even sadder when the person is being abused. It is concerning and an issue needing to be addressed… I feel most get off the hook too easily. It sickens me how people treat each other sometimes…

    3. @@roachesinmyhair
      Not a problem:
      In summary, Amore’s skull was found by a couple in Opelika. On Hush Street, Brook Haven Trailer Park. Then, police discovered more skeletal remains and a pink shirt. In conclusion, the detectives said it likely belonged to a young African-American girl (Correct) between 4-7. She had a deformed left eye, which indicated that she may have been abused and her bones showed signs of malnourishment and neglect.

      Despite searches, detectives couldn’t find anything (The church did not keep records of children that attended) and she was known as Opelika Jane Doe. However, there were photos of a girl who was similar to that of Amore Wiggins. They were taken in summer of 2011. The teacher -the one at the church which was 15 odd miles away from where the remains were discovered- said she had, “Dishevelled hair, wasn’t very hygienic and seemed unable to communicate with peers,”. This is another reference that she was neglected and/or socially isolated. She was between 4-5 at the time these photos were taken.

      Police used advanced imaging software to create a photo of what she may look like and hope people recognise her. In 2017, a university ran a series of tests on her bones and concluded she most likely lived in the South East of the US states.

      Then, in January 2022, her remains were sent to Othram’s laboratory (Advanced forensic lab) and were examined. They got the help of Barbara Rae-Venter, who helped identify the Golden State Killer. A year later, January 2023, Othram was able to identify Amore Joveah Wiggins and her father was known as Lamar, a 50-year-old native of Opelika who was serving in the US Navy prior to this. When confronted about his daughter’s death, he refused to co operate. When questioned, his wife since May 2006, Ruth, had no idea who she or her real mother was. Her real mother was identified as Sherry Wiggins, who was from Maryland. She and Vickerstaff lived in an apartment complex (She was 19, he was 35 and in the Navy) and they split up after Lamar’s family were enraged after he had a child out of wedlock and getting married would be out of the question.

      She had told detectives she was her real mother however Ruth and Lamar had custody of her since 2009 and she was paying child support for Amore. Her visitation rights were suspended around the time of her daughter’s death. However, on February 17th in Jacksonville, Florida, 2023, the couple were apprehended and are both charged with:
      Failure to report a missing child (Which is hand-in-hand with child endangerment)
      And Lamar is charged with a felony of murder.

      Her biological mother, Sherry Wiggins, was grateful to the police for never giving up on Amore as well as that some people were rather unkind despite not knowing the full story. She is grateful for the kindness of some and she was only truly worried about getting her daughter justice, which she thankfully got. Furthermore, the family got closure and she now has an identity.

  8. I lived in Opelika and it was such a hard working community and I’m so glad that Amore / Baby Jane Doe has been identified and has served Justice. I’m so glad that she’s receiving a memorial soon a few years later. ❤

    1. ​@@hillyjohnson3254Cayleigh Elise was an amazing true crime YouTuber, who, unfortunatelly for us, retired from YouTube in 2019, some of her videos have been re-uploaded here

  9. “They were upset they’re son would have a child out of wedlock” weird they weren’t upset their son who is a full in grown man is having a child with another child.

    1. @@nathanpatrick4483 “Ephebophilia is the primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19” legally and morally it’s still disgusting🤨

    2. @@nathanpatrick4483weirdos always bring up exact ages, she was a kid who had graduated highschool a year before, talking to a man almost twice her age.

      It will always be weird and inappropriate for an 18/19 yr old to be having an intimate relationship with someone almost 20yrs older

    3. @@KatalinaAudios444it’s so weird! It doesn’t matter if it’s the legal age, the legal age here in Alabama is 16, but that doesn’t mean anyone should be engaging in any activities with 16 year olds.

      18-19, legal or not, are still TEENAGE ages, very young and not as smart/educated as we let on (I’m not saying they’re dumb, they only still have a lot of developmental to undergo in their brains)

      The difference between a 19 year old and a 25 year old should definitely be paid attention to more often

    1. @@greenanimations923the resources to solve those cases cost a lot more money than I’m sure they make off of solving it tho so if it’s 3+ years they’re probably going to label it as a cold case and leave it alone until further notice or information

    2. It’s not “wonderfully human,” it’s justice. It’s law enforcement’s obligation. Yeah it’s human to want to figure out who killed a child…. You sound like you came straight from tumblr lmfao

  10. I followed Amore’s case since it happened, checking in ,wondering if it would ever be solved. I figured it would be another case slipped through the cracks. When I saw this and that she was identified and heard her name I started crying. You get close to these unidentified cases of children. Thank you so much for covering this.

    1. ​@@troygalangbiggestfan3054its a comment section of course ppl r going be “yapping” if your trying troll then this is worst i seen learn how to troll better my guy

  11. native peoples need to be more recognized, everyone should really look into canada’s mmiw. so much cases of young indigenous woman murdered or missing and most cases are still unsolved.

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