There’s Over 15,000 Cold Cases In ‘The Charley Project’ – Here’s 5 Of The Strangest Missing Persons

Today’s list is inspired by my personal admiration for a woman named Meaghan Good who single handedly runs a website called The Charlie project which is a website that profiles over 15,000 cold cases of missing people mainly from the United States. Here are 5 CHARLEY PROJECT Missing Persons Cases

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  1. A girl from my home town vanished on Christmas night of 1992, never have found her. Her name is Peggy Reeves Mock, she is listed in the charlie project. She was a sweet girl, and didnt deserve whatever happened to her.

    1. That is so freakin’s bad enough that it happened but nobody can even fathom something bad happening during Christmas. 😢 terrible

    2. @@AubreyShelton-rr7yy Bless her heart she went thru some hard times, that particular night she went to some really bad bars, one a biker bar, I think that’s where the trouble was. I know a lot about this case but I’m not comfortable talking about it in public. As a matter a fact I would bet I know who was involved.

    3. ​@@trent3872 Is it a common opinion among those who know the situation? Have you given your opinion to the police? You really should. You could help solve the case!

    1. I also think Caleb is definitely responsible for little Melissa’s disappearance in the last case. I can’t believe they let him out. If anyone goes missing in his community the cops should definitely take a look at him.

  2. Meaghan does amazing work! 💜
    She also reads a lot of books. She posts really interesting stuff on Facebook – facts/history from the books she reads.

    1. I ask that to myself every single time I hear someone’s been released from prison for the 5th time. They obviously not going to do any good outside of prison, keep them in!

    2. I’ll never understand why we have nonviolent drug offenders still sitting behind bars after 40 years with no prospects of getting out anytime soon, and yet we’ve got violent rapists, child predators, and depraved, sadistic murderers walking around free after serving only a few years – most of whom had already served time once or twice for similar offenses. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I realize that the law is extremely complicated and that very often things may have to be handled a certain way in order to satisfy the integrity of a particular state’s law, however there comes a point where common sense really needs to take precedence over everything else – including the law!

      I don’t know how many times I hear it said that so and so was released after having served only 3 years of his sentence as it would be deemed a violation of his rights or some state ordinance or whatever to keep him locked up any longer.

      Of course, then these same judges will turn around and allow Prosecution to throw out some vital piece of concrete evidence proving the defendant’s innocence and proceed to sit back in complete silence and watch as jurors find the poor guy guilty and sentence him to death. I never believed such a horrific thing could possibly happen in our country until I began studying our judicial system in greater detail. I was shocked to learn that such atrocities occur all of the time! It’s mind-boggling. And the same is also true with Defence receiving permission to throw out some particular piece of evidence proving the defendant’s guilt, and the judge simply sits back and allows a murderer to walk free. Our entire judicial system is in urgent need of a complete overhaul and reconstruction. It has long ago already passed far beyond the point of ridiculous. Now it’s just plain madness

    3. Because he was not a convicted killer. The video stated clearly that VA could not get a murder conviction without at least a clue where her body might be.

  3. I always feel if they were attacked by a bear or a puma there would at least be evidence left behind like paw prints or blood or pieces of clothing so that isn’t the likely explanation for what happened to them

  4. I have actually heard of this lady ..I don’t remember if I knew of her being on the autism spectrum..but I think it’s so very awesome of your channel to bring attention to her site and these cold cases.Thank you for your compassion.

  5. Great video and thank u Charlie project for what u do! U r an inspiration. I’ve been interested in unsolved crimes for years and u r doing something abt it! I hope u r able to b a part of solving a lot of these cases & u should b proud! The last case was very disturbing and that man nvr should have been released until he confessed and led the authorities to her grave. What a monster he was he got caught but still didn’t give her parents what they wanted the most – a place to bury her and visit and mourn for their precious daughter.

  6. The Charley Project is an important website and deserves your financial support/donations. Please consider doing this. I’m not affiliated with that site (or any site) and am just someone endorsing this worthy effort.

  7. Thank you thank you for covering Megan’s remarkable journey on the Charley Project….April is Autism Awareness Month so I’ve been doing a lot of research and reading on remarkable people like Megan. She’s an inspiration and a hero of mine!!

  8. Poor little Melissa. She was so excited about the party, and it ended in the worst possible way.

    My heart breaks for parents and loved ones of missing persons. I can’t imagine the daily torture that would be.

  9. This is what I do every day, and it still blows my mind how many unsolved missing person cases there are. I appreciate everyone involved in helping bring awareness to these cases! Meaghan at Charley Project is wonderful to keep up on these cases. Thanks for bringing awareness to this epidemic out there!

  10. I cannot imagine how horrible it is for a loved one to go missing – unfathomable.
    Great work Meaghan – you’re a very special person.

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