The Upsetting Truth Oprah Doesn’t Want You to Know About Maui’s Missing Kids

The Disturbing Truth Oprah Doesn't Want You to Know About Maui's Missing Kids
The Disturbing Truth Oprah Doesn't Want You to Know About Maui's Missing Kids
#oprah #oprahwinfrey #maui #mauifires

There has been a recent update regarding the missing children on Maui, but the public is not believing it. Here is the update, which will shock you. Tell me if it is the truth and if it makes sense given that one child is dead and all of that destruction has occurred.
You see, one particular child is implying that there is something the government and perhaps even the Alights are trying to hide. In my opinion, when they released the real number, it alarmed a lot of people, and as a result, they had to backtrack. They held a small board meeting and were told, "You can't do that."
While the update has indicated that only one child tragically perished, further investigation has revealed that the government doesn't even know which children are missing here. A Maui local who was also a victim of the fire called out Winfrey and her Elite cronies, who have not addressed the issue.
What is it that Winfrey and her Elite are allegedly urgently attempting to conceal about the missing kids in Maui? Let's get into it. An update has been going around claiming just one of the missing kids has anything to do with what happened on Maui. Tell me if that is not a coincidence.
Given the unfortunate devastation that occurred and the fact that most children are reportedly still missing, the public is suspicious after a kid unexpectedly died as a result of the Maui fires. However, here is the update: tell me if it is true and whether it makes any sense.
One child has passed away. According to the public, it is impossible that just one youngster could have lost their life when even the government itself didn't know how Cuero Fuentes, 14, died this week after police reported his death, making him one of the youngest known fatalities to date.
On the Hawaiian island of Oahu, superintendent Keith Hayashi and other board members invited the locals to a meeting about plans to reopen seven Maui public schools that were destroyed by wildfires in the historic seaside town of Lahaina. The meeting was intended to discuss how many children still need to be found and how many have recently returned to school.
The discussion was intended to plan how schools will reopen, but it quickly turned emotional and passionate as several members of the Maui community pleaded with the school board to expedite the search for hundreds of students who haven't enrolled since the fires, which killed at least 115 people and destroyed more than 2,000 structures on so many islands.
acres of land on the island a month ago. What are you planning to do? I and everyone else want to know, but you keep returning to help and safety. There is a lot of worry since students aren't being identified, as you had three weeks to complete the dirt and it's almost been a month with all hands on deck.
either safe or dead. According to another native Wallen Christian, the government must put itself in the shoes of those who lost their children—parents who were not at home and had no opportunity to leave—and ask, "So what I don't understand is why haven't all the calls been made?"
More than 900 children are missing, according to Wallen's calculation, which is too many. Since Wallen's speech, questions about the other children's whereabouts, why only one has been named, and whether Maui's authorities even know who is missing have been circulating online.
Superintendent Keith Hayashi withheld the actual number of students who are still unaccounted for, even though the board's own statistics indicate that approximately 966 children are missing. You came here because you care about your kids and the Lahaina community, and we do too, but things are really more difficult for parents on Maui since certain schools either don't provide the best education or don't provide it at all.
#maui #trendinggossip
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