Etan Patz, the Most Famous Missing Child of All Time

Today, May 25th, 1979, Etan Patz disappeared. As she was beginning her career as a photojournalist, Carrie Boretz shot thousands of images on the streets of New York City.
One of those images, she realized years later, was of Etan Patz and his family.
Etan's face and name became famous in the worst way, after the little boy disappeared on the way to school on May 25, 1979.
His body was never found and the day he vanished is now known as National Missing Children's Day.

0:00 Disappearance of Etan Patz
0:56 Early Reports
1:50 Aftermath
2:40 A Cold Case
3:32 Uncertainty
4:25 Missing & Exploited Children
5:08 Carrie Boretz
5:51 Interaction

#EtanPatz #MissingChildren #TrueCrime #ChildAbduction #JusticeForEtan #ColdCase #NationalMissingChildrensDay #PedroHernandez #SohoMystery #1979Disappearance #ChildSafety #NeverForgetEtan #NYCStories #UnsolvedCases #AmericanHistory

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