Husband and wife tried to find their lost child, local authorities helped

Husband and wife tried to find their lost child, local authorities helped

Thank you for your concern about my family
Wishing you good health and peace
#HàThịNhung #family #takecareofchildren


  1. Снимают ребёнка ну неужели не могут её вывести из леса, зачем эти испытания на долго можно было не затягивать с поиском ребёнка

  2. Esta niña ya es una actriz 😂muy linda tiene hambre y come maíz 🌽 la vi en otro video comiendo manzana 🍎 y la siguen buscando ya esta cansadita pobrecita ❤que Dios la bendiga lo mismo a sus padres
    Ya los quiero ver reunidos y felices porque encuentran a su niña bonita ❤❤

    1. אתה לא שם לב שהסרטונים הם אמיתיים של החיים היום יומי של עורך הערוץ הילדה אולי לא יודעת שמצלמים אותה

  3. Felicitaciones padres por tener esa muñeca tan inteligente hay gue estar pendiente de ellos ellos asu edad les gusta explorar❤❤

  4. Nossa este xaea filma muito cruel todas as crianças perde ele não ajuda ekas a voltar pra casa muita crueldades com as crianças a mães

  5. Фантастические фильмы, больше ничего другого не могли придумать, а девочка ходит себе по лесу, а оператор её развлекает и снимает. Чудеса на виражах.
    Да ладно какая разница че нам смотреть.
    Пусть дальше придумывают.

  6. That baby is smarter than you all she is out of the mountains she is in someone’s corn field. When you all get home at dark, she will be home, ate, had a bath, changed clothes, and in the bed sound to sleep

  7. Why is your child lost in the woods I think if you would of took better care of her she wouldn’t be lost in the woods 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  8. I have different thoughts on this matter.
    For one thing, It’s very easy to point fingers.
    Children are curious beings and often they wonder away. That’s their nature. You take that away from they, and you kill their curiosity, it’s like clipping the wings of a butterfly.

    My daughter was about the same age of this little girl, when i lost her in a crowded mall. She was able to sneak between people better than i could and disappear in the crowd.
    Was i negligent, NO i wasn’t. But i still blamed myself for not holding her hand tighter…and like a lightning she pulled away…my little miss independent (thats what i used to call her ). She was gone.
    In those 20 mi.while frenetically looking for her, my mind was going insane thinking of all the possibilities that existed if she had been kidnapped.
    Then i heard on the store, i happened to be in at the moment, public announcement that they had found a little girl (mentioned her name) and for her mother to go and pick her up at Costumer Service.

    What i cannot fathom how this little girl’s parents were able to stay put in their home while that little girl was lost in a forest full of dangers circumstances, ALONE, especially near the water. She could have slipped and fall in the stream and drown. Snakes in a forest is another one. She obviously was hungry….so eating something poisonous was another one.
    I just don’t know how they managed to stay home.

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