Missing Children SA says there has been a spike in human trafficking during the last 2 years

Parents have been urged to look out for themselves and their children amid reports of an increase in kidnapping and human trafficking cases.
Missing Children South Africa says there has been a spike in human trafficking during the last two years as the public has become more vulnerable to criminal syndicates.
Michael Manyalo from the Concerned Young People Forum of South Africa explains.

Tune into Newzroom Afrika, DSTV 405 for more.

1 Comment

  1. True . . . Saw the Truck was missing so I asked where it is & had an episode similar to the unrest weekend, so took a walk came back ,they left after confrontation and came back after an hour though couldn’t get in the house for a given time . . . Found my military in the garage they took the day they assaulted me ,someone became SG & an fuel port was on fire… Wore it the next day & came across their cult of a church pastors wife with two kids attending my former school & her mother… She got out & had her back towards me as if she didnt see me for a good 5-7min… Went to greet & speak my mind,her cheeks have scars wondered why . . . Apparently there’s a Funeral – bumped into another member who blocked the road with her car on that given day ,she offered to cut my hair I declined – it was interesting : let’s protect our children and environments . . . Is True…Mbalula is there . . .

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