1. Instead of this “parent” thanking you and apologizing for NOT paying attention, that’s your thanks. Nice. I’m sure if this happens again, you’ll page and/or contact another worker to be with you as a witness.

  2. My niece is going to court right now for doing what you did. The mother is accusing my niece for trying to abduct her lil girl. The girl was just standing looking lost. She ask the lil girl where her mommy was at. She said she don’t know. My niece was going to take the lil girl to the front counter of the store to have the clerk help find this child’s parents. The mom pops out the bathroom stall screaming what are doing with my daughter? My niece tried to explain but the Karen wasnt having it. She got the police involved and now my niece has been to court twice because they keep continuing the case. All she was trying to do was help a lil girl find her parent.

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