Dr. Phil Screams At Killer Dad On TV | The Disturbing Case of Dylan Redwine

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"Did you hurt him?"

February 2013: Dr Phil is sitting with one of his guests backstage, Mark Redwine, who appeared on the show with his oldest son Corey ,and ex-wife Elaine Hall, in an effort to find his the youngest boy Dylan, who has been missing for the past three months. Mark was the last person to see Dylan, and yet, on Dr Phil’s set, he has no answers to any of Elaine or Dr Phil's questions. As the show goes on, Corey and Elaine reach a grisly realization: Mark is hiding a disturbing secret, and he is not who he seems.

YT review: this is an educational documentary on the life of Dylan Redwine and his mother Elaine Hall, and brother Corey.

Directing, writing & editing by Alexandre Gendron
Research & script revision by Tanvi Rajvanshi
Produced by Alexandra Salois & Salim Sader
Voiceover by William Akana

9News: Elaine Hall's Interview, Elaine Hall & Cory Redwine Verdict Interview
CourtTV: Bizzare Photos Leads To Murder
A&E: Killer Cases – Murder on Middle Mountain (S2E9)
Crime Watch Daily: Diaper Leads To Death
News Coverage: Denver7 News, KOAT Action News, KRQE 13 News
Dr. Phil: The Search for Dylan Redwine (2013), Cory Redwine and Elaine Hall Update (2022)
Durango Herald: Mark Redwine Murder Trial Court Coverage
Kusa: Elaine Hall Interview
ID: Still A Mystery – Down The Hill (S1E2)
TruthSeeker: Dylan Redwine

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  1. The big brother advocating and refusing to give up on his little brother has me in tears. I can’t imagine what he felt. What a tragedy..

    1. ​@@thanos7110and @kiki29073 I’m sorry for what you have been through, I wish you found solace and recovered from these tragedies.

    1. I noticed that right away too. I believe it’s called a Freudian slip. Despite that, he was clearly guilty and everyone knew it. I’m so glad that pos was finally brought to justice. Rest in peace Dylan.

  2. This story along with the Harley Dilly case hits me differently because of how similar they look and I believe the parents/parents are responsible for Harley’s demise as well. These poor boys didn’t deserve what happened to them😞

    1. I don’t think I’ve heard of the Harley Dilly case. I’m going to check it out after this. But I believe Mark absolutely 1000% did it. The boys found out about his sick activities and I think Dylan probably threw it in his face when his dad wouldn’t let him go see his friend plus he was already angry because he didn’t want to be with Mark so Mark killed him. We live in a screwed up world man. I just don’t understand it.

    2. @@VictoriaMarch13 I agree with you the dad definitely did it and the notice of blunt force trauma says a lot considering the situation that lead up to it! Go check out the Harley Dilly case but be prepared for how sick you’re going to feel after digging too deep into it. That babys case had me in a chokehold for a very long time, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. The parents and their stories that kept changing and the lies they told are absolutely disgusting and the fact that his case remains an accident is crazy to me!

    1. Notice how he refers to the remains as “Dylan’s” but then he says it doesn’t constitute as Dylan being found?

      Basically, he knew it was the remains of his son but he was doing everything he could to delay or stop his body being found as it would be a step closer to tying him to his son’s murder.

      There was tons of red flags from start to finish throughout this case and it shocking it took the police as long as they did to realise he was behind his son’s murder.

    2. I actually agree with him that it doesn’t mean he’s found. I just disagree with the point he was trying to make.
      From my perspective it means they found some of Dylan but they need to keep going, because he’s not really found till they get the rest of him. I view it as more of a semantics type thing than anything. Whereas the murderer was trying a bit of good old fashioned gaslighting. “Don’t look over here, don’t look at me”

    1. Because he was drunk most of the time, and he probably killed the boy in a drunken blackout.

      And he was probably drunk when he had the hooker poop on him.

      Alcohol NEVER loses

    1. Yep! Involuntary action and it’s a dead give away of guilt. Many say ‘no’ as they quickly nod yes. There are some sick people in the world. The sickest ones hurt children.

    2. That was just bouncing from picking his head up from looking down. It wasn’t a nod yes😂😂😂 he wasn’t symbolically saying yes and no at the same time.

    3. @@thanos7110the point wasn’t symbolic, it was that sometimes when people lie they will nod when they say no or shake their head when they say yes. I don’t believe in body language pseudoscience 100% but that is in fact a trend ppl have noticed before. It’s like muscle memory I suppose

    4. ​@@thanos7110<--the all seeing all knowing Dappschüssel😅😂😅😂😅   *Dappschüssel:* zu dumm, um ein Licht anzumachen, sie/er dappt (tappt) nacktfüssig mitten in der Nacht durchs Schlafzimmer, und plumps! Sie/Er tritt mit beiden Füßen in die volle ,,Nachtschüssel" [Bettpfanne] 😅😂😅😂😅

  3. Finding your beautiful baby boy in shreds and pieces, that’s just too heartbreaking. My heart goes out to his mother, brother, and those who loved him.

    1. This is the norm. Judges typically rule in favor of kids spending time with both parents, failing to consider many forms of psychopathology.

    2. I’m not sure what % of kids don’t want to see one of their parents but it seems more than a few of those kids land up harmed or disappeared by that parent.

    3. ​@sc4112 Yea well some judges need to be removed from the bench. Look at the Harmony Montgomery case. That Judge gave custody to her sperm donor, who was a felon that had shot a guy in his face! Yes he’s been convicted of murdering his 5 yr old daughter, but won’t disclose where he put her body. THAT judge has blood on his hands, imo!

    1. Unfortunately, the court system uses every case of prison time as a precedent for future cases. 48 years here, even though he’ll be 108, sets a precedent for similar cases to not be granted life in prison.
      So yeah, OP I agree with you.

  4. This just so very heartbreaking not only to lose your precious child but in such a horrible way. He sounded like an amazing boy with equally amazing Mom and big brother. ❤

  5. I think this is the first time I’ve ever teared up in a true crime video. It was the texts from the mom to her son that got me. I’ve been in that situation where my mom didn’t respond to texts during particularly turbulent times, and the feeling of helplessness and adrenaline surging through you, causing you to think of the worst case scenario having played out… indescribably awful. My heart goes out to her.

  6. Who shuts themselves away, goes to bed and doesn’t participate in a search when it’s their own flesh and blood is missing?

    1. Summer Wells’ mother Candice Wells & her father Don Wells, that’s who shuts themselves away, doesn’t participate in searches for their missing child, refuses to talk with police except through a lawyer & so on. Summer has been missing for 3 years now.

    2. Fr i understand being depressed and wanting to sleep everything away especially if your child is lost but Mark has zero emotion besides very poorly hidden “guilt” (quotes cause this dude dont care)
      he’s way more worried about the way he looks in the eyes of others.
      Absolutely vile being

    1. But she needs to go on with her life honestly the more she holds on to this the more it’s going to hurt her in the long run if I lost my child my child would want me to go on and not spend the rest of my days and destroy the rest of my life by grieving over them she needs to get past it and just live life cuz Dylan would have wanted that for her

    2. @@jessicajohnson8378 she can go on with her life carrying him in her heart and getting involved with community and maybe even a parents group of those who have had a similar experience. Never will she be able to put this child down she will carry him with her always. Hopefully she has the attitude that what she does is for him. The happiness she finds is his happiness too. The good works she does he does too. It is better to go on with this attitude than feel the guilt of being happy without him. I’m probably saying this badly cause she has every right to be happy and know she never gave up on finding him. Everyone handles grief differently and I hope she has found happiness. She deserves to be at peace and happy however when I look into her eyes in the video, even after 10 years, I see sadness and pain. So I think she will need to carry him in her heart always.

  7. That was done so beautifully…
    I remember all of this…
    “He became more of a man at 14 than (that pos) at 60″….
    Such a wonderful big brother… ❤️

  8. I’ve seen a few videos about this case. The worst thing about it is the family court system forcing Dylan to see his father.

    1. True. They should listen to what he wants and asked for further details if they suspected foul play. They should’ve had supervised visits to public places if they wanted the both of them to meet

    2. To be fair they encourage contact with both parents so relationships don’t break down —- nobody could’ve forseen this horrific ending

    3. How they are here in Colorado. Sad , I’m dealing with them now . Fighting for my daughter’s safety, mental sanity . There have been cases here that children have died from over dose, and the parents still kept custody of them. Absolutely disgusting here. The courts are ….

  9. I followed that case for years. My gut instinct told me the father had killed his son. Just saw this and watched. So.emotional but glad that Dylan’s remains were found. His mom and brother never gave up. That father can just rot away in prison.
    Rest in peace Dylan, you were so loved.

  10. This crime put a hole in my soul , the reason the father killed his son is repulsive and vile and I hope for inmate justice every day.

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