Anonymous Call Solves Case of Missing 13-Year-Old | Cold Case Files | A&E

An anonymous caller leads police to the killer of a 13-year-old girl, in this clip from Season 3, Episode 27.

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"Cold Case Files" chronicles the journeys of the detectives who reopen cold cases. The detectives uncover new twists and startling revelations using breakthroughs in forensic technology and the influence of social media to help crack the cases—bringing long-awaited closure to the victim's families and friends.

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  1. He was involved with Shannon? Did police interview him when she disappeared? Her body was behind where she lived. The police did nothing to find her. Then pick a search area that didn’t even cover the whole area. Then, flicks a cigarette butt to contaminate the scene. The lack of care and concern the police showed for this popular teen is clear.

  2. Its amazing that she only turned him in because she wanted to spite him not because it was the right thing to do

    She let him be on the street for years

    1. @busy_at_the_moment  I don’t think it’s technically a crime unless she helped him cover it up but she’s not a hero is my point

    1. They don’t care how old, I still can’t get over the Cassie video. BM can b very abusive. I’m sure all men can but they r a whole different animal with women.

    2. ⁠@@777MAG you must have never studied white men or other non Bm from other cultures. Stop letting mainstream media make you generalize all BM.

    3. @@BeautyisHerName692her profile pic is showing she’s a black girl as well. She has the right to her opinion. I’m sure she knows what she’s talking about.

    4. @@Christophertracy09 I’m not , just going by what I see and know from media, personal life of others I know, as well as my personal experiences, statistics, constant everyday all day evidence. I’m not saying ALL but most unfortunately. There r some BM who r totally different. A few here and there. Great guys whenever I run into one , which isn’t often, maybe MOM has something to do with it. Not to blame parents for everything but us BW represent raising them mostly. They start pointing the finger at us. Who knows , I’m sure it’s a beautiful concoction of issues if dug deep enough.

  3. The police didn’t exactly break a sweat looking for her body. In fact, they found her by accident. A cadaver dog would have found her in short order.

    1. They were inept at the site of the search, but stellar at finding that witness and getting her to come forward. Not entirely true, because the case got solved. No one does their job perfect all the time, not even the guy on fries at McDonald’s.

  4. First thing you do is grid search the area outside the home? If she was blonde and blue eyed, they would have shut the city down looking for her.

    1. the irony when you’re the real ist in the world. it’s old. This is the edge of Arkansas/Louisiana. Not exactly the whitest neighborhoods. This comes down to small town PO not having but maybe 1 or 2 of these cases their entire careers.

    1. It really does frustrates me that police officers want a name instead of just being grateful someone has provided great information to help solve crimes.

    2. They were looking into his old gfs, someone who had a reason to give his name up, they didn’t know she was the caller. They pressed her and she cracked.

    3. @@djchristensen1 they shouldn’t have gone looking for the caller in the 1st place. That’s why they were looking into the women.

    4. They really only have her testimony to charge him. I don’t even believe that was enough to give dude life. There has to be more evidence than that in my opinion.

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